Sunday, January 20, 2013


In this way, hypnosis can treat phobic disorders, anxieties, addictions, pain, psychosomatic illness, etc.. Hospitals in Geneva and Lausanne, for example, it is used in burns to reduce their pain particularly acute when changing dressings.

It allows children to support cancer easier bites. Even used to try to turn a baby who presented in breech position in the womb, in order to avoid a cesarean. "I asked him patting her stomach as if she was playing the piano and at the same time, to represent the path between . While she touched her belly, the baby moved." Hypnosis can also help solve a problem in a child too restless under therapy family where the mother is present. But, adds Dr. Salem, "this method has its limitations. This is not a trick that works every time. Much depends on the quality of the people involved and their mutual trust. If no trust or if the context of the intervention does not lend, responsiveness to suggestions becomes very small or zero. "

Hypnosis without risk does not exist. "The main cons-indication, the therapist"

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