Proponents of non-conventional medicine argue an improved user comfort, reduced the use of conventional methods, and reduced health costs. Some require that non-conventional practices are reimbursed by health insurance to achieve a reduction in health spending
The experience of Switzerland between 1999 and 2005 suggests instead that the repayment of non-conventional medicine does not generate savings. However, the reimbursement of complementary medicine has not generated more of the cost. They represented only 0.16% of the expenses of compulsory insurance, but many costs are borne by patients or more by their insurance or mutual complementary. In France the granules homeopathic price is very low compared to conventional drugs. Moreover, the 'alternative medicine' claim to have an important preventive role.
The impact of reimbursement of alternative medicine is still difficult to assess. With the possible harmful effects from patients and toward therapies whose effectiveness has not been proved, can not benefit from early diagnosis by conventional medicine.