Thursday, September 23, 2010

Massage : Methods


The masseur starts and ends the session with this method. He strokes her hand just the patient. Smoothing can be done in different ways: superficial or deep, or continuously with short breaks, using the fingers, with all the palm or only the portion, raking or tingling. During a meeting, it is not absolutely necessary that all the manipulations are performed. All this depends on personal style and your state masseur. That said, always start with a smooth surface and only gradually come to manipulation deeper, more diverse.


This process is similar to smoothing, but insofar as it seeks greater strength, skin tissue shifts that lie underneath. Blood flow strengthens the muscles and ligaments stretch, deposits on joints subside, nerve pain decreases. The friction can be practiced both in the direction of lymphatic flow conversely. The movement of the friction can be done with the palm, as with the fist. We can "cut" a body part with the edge of the palm, while the arm and leg can be "planed" or "hurry".
In the classical massage, the processes of friction after smoothing and precede the kneading massage, more intensive than the friction.


Of her fingers and gently massage the seized raises, kneads, presses the muscles, acting not only on them, but also on the fat tissue underneath the skin. Thus it increases muscle tone, which increases the ability of muscles to contract, we promotes blood circulation. Kneading is a main form of influence exerted on muscles: regardless of whether the muscles are too relaxed or too contracted, kneading has offsetting effects on them.

The process of kneading recalls how kneaded dough. Strictly speaking we can all do is the result which is important to stretch the muscle kneading. Muscles can be pinched, the surfaces can be displaced relative to one another, we can shake, shake, tug, push or twist. Everything depends on the strength of the massager and the patient's masochism. As part of a first meeting, however, intensive forms of mixing are not recommended. The patient must first get accustomed to massage, otherwise the day after the meeting he will feel to have the body "into a thousand pieces", like soreness may feel a body without a drive after playing sports or hard work.