Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Suggestion

The suggestion is equivalent to the insinuation. But what is the implication? Nothing but an attempt to convince someone of something. The suggestion may be verbal (the most common), but may well be tempted by exclusive looks, gestures or facial expressions.

There are examples of verbal suggestion, that is to say oral everywhere in everyday life. Most words have a suggestive power conscious or hidden. To this belong the various "preaching" instructive purposes, such as: "you must study well" or "thou shalt not you make friends for him." The compliment and condemnation are also a form of suggestion. Any compliment is a positive suggestion ("you're a gifted child," "You're a smart boy," "You're a wise little girl," "but what do you know how to cook") and any conviction a suggestion negative ("How to be stupid," "imbecile," "You'll never be a good for nothing", "you really have two left hands").

Those who are often treated to "be stupid" by willing or not begin to believe it. If "we will set the bar very low," he resigned himself to her as "stupid". The reverse is also true. Under the effect of positive suggestion ("well, you see you'll get there"), even the average person often goes far beyond a talented person but always treated as "stupid".

It is this principle that physicians use in practice to the healing of psychosomatic illnesses. The therapist begins to sleep lightly or hypnotize the patient (in many cases there is no major difference), then submits positive suggestions such as: "You feel better and better", "your heart issues steady beat, rhythm, "" your lungs, your kidneys are working very well "," you are again a person full of health and happiness. " The therapeutic effect is obtained through that suggestion.

No doubt you think that this process is somewhat silly (for me, all this seems infinitely primitive). However, the secret lies precisely in that, unlike its simplicity leads to the limit of absurdity, the suggestion runs an outstanding practice. This means that this method finds the possibility of obtaining a significant improvement in the condition of seven of ten patients, three or four completely get rid of their disease (before any of their psychosomatic problems).

No suggestion is an insinuation externally. People do not accept that someone "is trying to hammer them," but that also wish to accept. That is why the presence of the psychiatrist is often unnecessary. Try at first every day (and less often) to suggest that "today, my / my ... (substitute the appropriate word) is much better than yesterday." French pharmacist Coue, who was the first to employ this method, believed that many were sick just because they were being. Similarly, we can achieve cure in believing we are healthy.