Friday, January 8, 2010

History of Homeopathy

Used in ancient times, the principle of "similarity was" rediscovered "by a Saxon physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), when he realized that cinchona bark causes the same symptoms as" fever third.

In 1796, he laid the foundations of homeopathy in a trial, then it was in 1810, he completes his theory with "Organon der Heilkunst (Organon of the healing arts).

In the 1830s, homeopathy began to spread in France, but also to the United States. Pharmacists refusing to produce these products [citation needed], the disciples of Hahnemann had to make them themselves.

On the death of Hahnemann in 1843, homeopathy declined in Europe and it is only the beginning of the twentieth century with the onset of laboratories and the craze for paramedicine, she began her industrial history and its wide dissemination to patients.