Saturday, December 11, 2010

Homeopathy Medicines Part 3

Phosphorus (Phosphorus)

Constitution: readers may have already had occasion during the lighting of phosphorus chemistry. If so, you probably remember how this view was beautiful: a flare, beautiful sparks, smoke quickly dissipating. Like a firework. The nature of this type of individual is similar to this: a mischievous humor, a caring, sociable, expansive trend characterize. As with d'Artagnan or Charlie Chaplin, you never get bored with it. A person phosphorus type is optimistic, look on the bright side and tends to make personal sacrifices and acts without thinking. This individual has many friends, he gladly help at any time and is willing to sacrifice the material to the spiritual. He often draws upon a star and falls in love easily. It's a great actor and a talented orator. As children, he is unable to sit in one place. It's a sensitive person. He catches everything on the fly, raising hopes, but then, nothing. His lack of calm and its inability to perform monotonous work did not allow him to do things through. It does almost none of its promises. It has an impulsive nature and fatigue.

General statement: the more inflamed, the more it runs out, get tired or become depressed. Among his internal organs are his bones and his lungs are weakened. He noted frequent bleeding.

Directions: sleep and tranquility allow it to recharge lost energy and improve its overall condition.

Silica (Silicea terra)

Constitution: if you, dear reader, are someone timid, fearful, anxious, weepy trend, but stubborn, you probably belong to the "type silicon. Puny, rickety, bandy legs, his face showing an expression of suffering, "Silicon children" are recognizable from afar. The surface of their skin is thin striated multiple scratches are struggling to heal. These children are emotionally destroyed, whatever the surroundings amid which they live, they sit in the end table or in a corner and suck their thumbs in silence in order to satisfy their insatiable hunger. They struggle with the difficulty of teaching materials. In adulthood, type silicon compensates for its inferiority complex and weaknesses in intellectual work capacity and an incredible strength. If he decided something, he will "even on the knees." He did not have much strength, but its application stubborn allows him to do more than anyone. In practice, nobody can say no to this "tank forcing", which is why the "silicon" is an irreplaceable example where something has to be obtained. Finally, type silicon is not a negative figure. A courteous person, optimist, who always sees the end of the tunnel.

General statement: the enormous capacity for work fatigue quickly physically and mentally people type silicon. Failing that, they could reverse the poles of the Earth. The other feature of their habit is their low immunity. These individuals are prone to colds and constantly to sinusitis, ear infections and pneumonia. They are often covered with blisters. All of these diseases they heal and hang with difficulty. At age 25, their defense capability relative to normal manner, without reaching a normal level. Individuals type silicon often fall ill.

Purpose: to not get sick as often, those type silicon should avoid cold, too intellectual work and long trips. Their general condition improved immediately when they are warm.