Saturday, August 28, 2010

Acupunture : Treatment Result

The results of treatment they depend on qualifications of an acupuncturist?
The most experienced reflexologists arrive ten diseases to treat seven patients, while poor acupuncturists, except pain relief, are capable of nothing else. Why?

The philosophy of acupuncture therapy is quite difficult to understand for someone who "is not Chinese." We must learn a tremendous number of points: they are, at what depth, what are the indications and cons-indications. You must keep a rule of order: the concept of u-sin, in-yan and bou-tse, learn about the diseases caused by "hot" "cold", "hot" and "air" (which unrelated to the climate and topography), how energy flows through meridians, which treat what time of day, and so on. However, most acupuncturists work only on the basis of exclusive recipes ready to be found in the literature. A colleague of mine once told me that: "I learned sixty points that I used all my life. Nothing can force me to learn the sixty-first. "

In addition, do not believe the myth that considers the Chinese people know things that are inaccessible to us. Most of my Chinese colleagues treat the same way that "we", based on examples arrested.

American acupuncturists have conducted an interesting experiment. They divided into two groups of patients with similar symptoms. Both groups were treated by acupuncture, except that in one acupuncture rules were followed strictly and in the other hands have been "stung" by a free design. The healing results were found uniformly good in both groups. This news was so surprised that I myself did an experiment nearby.

The result was as follows: among patients treated in a "free design", many of them after the second or third meeting thanked me for having managed to cure them. There is no witchcraft. Endorphins have been able to anesthetize the pain disappeared. But this only applies for easy cases, including even those who know only 60 points can overcome.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Action of Acupuncture

What is the mechanism of action of acupuncture?

I do not think the Australian aborigines are perfectly aware of the mechanism of air a boomerang. However, their lack of knowledge of aerodynamics do not prevent them from practical use of this flying object.

This applies to acupuncture. The only honest answer to that question is that we do not know the mechanism of action. But as we are not "primitive", we need to know how it works. And if there is no theory, we need to think about. It would be this:

Acupuncture is a method that works on the body's energy flow. Our inner energy evolves in a circular motion and passes through twelve main meridians that are each connected to one of our organs. This circle is as follows: lung - colon - stomach - spleen - heart - small intestines - bladder - kidney - pericardium - Triple Heater - gallbladder - liver - lung and again. This completes the circle.

It certainly seems strange that the energy portion of the lung to pass through the colon, and after the pericardium is found in the "triple heater." While this may seem odd, it is not no way for the Chinese who are at the origin. The alternative therapy has its own logic.

On each of the twelve meridians is a stock of items. Among them, the more points are considered toning (invigorating) and dispersion (reliever). Simplifying we can say that each has 12 p in his body toning and soothing 12 points. As their name suggests, the action of a needle stick, the heating, a massage or other exercised about toning increases energy in the meridian concerned and therefore in the body there is connected, while the excitation point rejects calming energy.

Where? In another meridian. Bioenergetics in the treatment, while the missing energy is drawn from the outside, the superfluous is simply "thrown" or burned with a candle, until the care with acupuncture we arrive at a combination Energy - harmonization. If it appears that one of the meridians has a surplus of energy, this energy can be transferred where there are few, and vice versa.

To increase the force exerted on the points invigorating and soothing, there are more than two points of intensification. Therefore, for the previous 24 points 12 points plus 12. That makes 48. In the chapter on reflexology, we also processed 12 points of diagnosis. There are a total of 60 points, which represents the "mini stock base" of acupuncture.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What are the weaknesses of Acupuncture?

This is often because of fear caused by needlestick injuries that patients are wary of this therapeutic method. When the needle is planted, a very slight sensation of pain must absolutely occur. It is through this that we see if firstly the desired point has been reached and secondly if it has responded appropriately to the sting. In the absence of reaction, no good result can be expected. In the case of acute diseases, the location of the active point is easy. Chronic diseases sometimes give rise to slightly move the needle tip to the right and left, up and down, to find that point. This process is a bit uncomfortable, but still less than the dentist's drill.

If inaccuracies are made during the meeting, this can cause problems as minor. After the injections, reflex spasms sometimes appear around the needle. This is not dangerous. After making a slight muscle massage, needles are easily removed.

If the hands are rough patches - a result of their frequent sterilization - at the time of their removal, small muscle fibers wrapped around. In this case, the needle should be withdrawn by turning in the opposite direction.

During the acupuncture sessions, keep a half-hour during the same posture may be uncomfortable. And needles may break if we change position. In such cases, they are usually removed using tweezers. If not, consult a surgeon.

During the first session, sometimes a hundred patients, two or three accuse a slight shock effect, come into a state of semi-fainting - dizziness, paleness, cold sweats, nausea. Sometimes lose their minds or vanish. The reason is unjustified fear of the needle or a state of excitement. No book reports the existence of a death which succeeded such a shock. If you experience such symptoms, do not be afraid. They disappear in three or four minutes, especially if the acupuncturist does not forget this time of pressing hard with his finger on the "no help" button on the upper lip below the nose or on the verge autonomic ear.

In this situation, should we continue the meeting? If you do not become afraid of death, it is preferable to continue planting one or two hands lightly on the surface of the skin. After removing all the needles, the acupuncturist will dismiss you if it is truly convinced that "everything is fine" and you're not going to vanish in the middle of the street - not want - behind the wheel.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Acupunture : Sessions

For acute illnesses, meetings take place every day or every two days, in case of chronic disease, once or twice a week. A course of treatment consists of 7-15 sessions. To the extent that after five sessions there is no improvement, it is useless to continue the care with acupuncture, because the body does not respond to this method.

The longer the treatment, the lesser are the chances of curing the sick.
Of course, this applies to acute diseases. If you are sick for years, the healing will take time.

The chiropractor can perfectly complement the acupuncture sessions. This case is one where two opposing treatments are worth more than two of similar nature.The younger patients are easier to heal than older, because unlike these self-regulating their reaction is much faster. The rapid and sustained action of acupuncture can also be observed in the case of functional disorders, that is to say diseases with no alteration of organic. This intervention also benefit those toothaches and headaches, neuralgia, localized on different points, spasms of the gall bladder, bladder or uterus. Acupuncture is sometimes reduce the size of uterine fibroids, slows the development of asthma, works effectively on insomnia, accelerated rehabilitation after a brain hemorrhage.

With a little less effective, this method can treat gastritis, cholecystitis, eczema, heart spasms, chronic inflammation and hypertension. It can not provide a significant improvement in cases of autism in children, atrophic paralysis, diabetes and severe hormonal disorders.

But acupuncture can help the patient in cases organic lesion. If full recovery can be expected, a significant improvement can sometimes be found in reducing symptoms.

Acupuncture is cons-indicated for patients with cancer, those whose age or other diseases cause a worsening of their condition, and sick found in a state of intense excitement. These cases require the use of homeopathy, bioenergy and acupressure.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Acupuncture therapy is quite apart, but which may be linked to bioenergy or physiotherapy. Finally, no matter what the box store, because any systematization is relative.
As we all know, acupuncture treats using special needles. These needles are much finer than those used for darning a sock, the unpleasant sensation of sting in a meeting it is minimal.
You also certainly know that these sharps are not planted at random, but at points called biologically active body, or placed any which way, but in an orderly manner along the meridians.
Similarly to the chakras, meridians and points are devoid of any active material structure. I mean by this that it is impossible for the naked eye or microscope to differentiate the contour points "magic" and the rest of the surface - it does not receive or nerve endings or cells or other special features. However, unlike the chakras, Hot Spots can still be detected with instruments, since their electrical resistance differs from that of other regions of the skin.

What are the strengths of acupuncture?

This method of planting needles is a really effective therapeutic method. Even doctors backward and skeptics, those who underestimate the importance of iridology, bioenergy or homeopathy are still obliged to acknowledge it.

To achieve a result and because all other methods had proved ineffective, I myself have often been known to use acupuncture. According to my own experiences, "healing in the blink of an eye" is not something so rare. Especially in the case of acute pain, sometimes - as is wont to say - for "the first needle inserted" action benefactress is felt.

The other positive aspect of acupuncture therapy is that it is usually less expensive than other natural therapy.

Under what circumstances is acupuncture effective?

If someone starts to read literature on acupuncture treatment, he then felt that this therapy is suitable for all diseases. This is true in part. In truth, acupuncture is more effective in the fight against pain. She has a great action on joint pain or nerve inflammation, pain in the neck, back, muscle, and in case of stretching of the ligaments, and helps fight against addiction to alcohol, nicotine and drugs . Nothing is more effective in cases of acute back pain, spine and joints. After a session of acupuncture, the patient may leave folded in half the room dancing. The best advertisement for a naturopath! However, a single session is rarely enough to cure. In general, the patient who has just completed its first full session is not freed from his pain sensations. It does not matter, several sessions are usually necessary. When the pain disappears completely, it is generally not to return soon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Alternative Therapies And Spirituality

Many psycho-spiritual techniques offer to relieve your pain and suffering. The Information Centre Intercantonal beliefs (CIC) helps you find your way in this new healthcare market.

Imposition of hands, energy transmission, body cleaning, communication with the dead, telepathy, elixirs with beneficial ... All these methods used in the so-called alternative therapies advocate a spiritual approach. They often require Eastern religious traditions or Western Esotericism. Dreading the whole person (physical, psychological and spiritual), they appeal to different beliefs, even if they claim a scientific basis. Besides healing, they also promise personal fulfillment and a better life. This is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history religion has been concerned with health and suffering.

Since the 1990s, observed in industrialized societies a boom in alternative therapies affirming the importance of spirituality. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported an increased use of alternative medicine in developed countries: it is estimated that over half the population uses at least once this type of practice. This social phenomenon has encouraged the development of a new healthcare market.

If these therapies offer reassuring answers, they also raise questions and concerns from everyone:

* Are they serious?
* Are they recognized?
* Do they have a link with a "cult"?

Without going into the controversy between scientific medicine and alternative therapies, the Center Intercantonal information on beliefs he considers to be careful when the therapist:

* Seeking to support all areas of life - work, family, spiritual,
emotional, social - without necessarily having the skills.
* Recommends to stop or not start medical treatment.
* Makes promises that he can not keep and maintain false hopes in patients.
* Impose exercises that are humiliating or guilt.
* Incite to sever ties with relatives.

It should also be aware that alternative therapies are not officially recognized by law. They are therefore not covered by insurance mandatory. If they are not generally regulated, however, there are cantonal legislation. For example, some cantons prohibit unrecognized therapists treat people with communicable diseases. It is therefore important to learn about the training of the therapist, his method and his fees. Too many patients are involved randomly methods they do not know and realize later that they do not suit them.

If you want to know more about an alternative therapy if you have any doubts about a healer, if you know your rights, please contact the Information Center Intercantonal beliefs. It will inform you free and confidential.