Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Geobiology

The Geobiology geological studies the influence (of land) on our bodies. Dowsing as a tool, detects anomalies geobiological, negatively affecting our environment.

The Celtic people very familiar with the telluric energy. They detected and used. The menhirs are memories of the people. Very often, the menhirs were erected on the nodes of the telluric energy. The Menhirs have a very high energy with their shapes and locations.

Each day of our lives, we have 24:00. We are active during the day and sleep at night, or third time. That's about 25 years of sleep. During this time of rest, we do not move much. If we sleep in a place unfitable, we may think that this will be harmful to our health. So, as an alternative of recovering, we risk damaging our body.

- You do not sleep well as you would
- You are still tired upon waking in the morning
- You do a lot of nightmares
- You often have headaches
- You wake up often in the middle of the night


During this time of Samurai, Kyudo was called "kyujutsu". The word "kyujutsu" means "technique archery." There were and there are still many traditional schools of archery in Japan. They keep the methods and philosophy that are created in the Edo era was the era of the Samurai. Kyudo the word was born in the Meiji era is right after the Edo period. Between the two eras, there was a huge change in the structure of society. The samurai class lost its power, and Japan had opened the doors to the world. The number of practitioners kyujutsu decreased because there were more than Samurai. With great effort of many people, the kyujutsu Kyudo was transformed into a martial art that is more oriented sport that fits everyone. A new kind of fire that has emerged is the modern Kyudo. In this new Kyudo, we seek not only the effectiveness of the shot but also the way of life and self-improvement.

Your Immune System, Take Care Of It Because It Takes Care Of You

There are many different body functions that need to be considered when we are thinking about our health. Most of us are unaware of how intricately they are all tied together but in reality, if you ignore one of those systems, you’re ignoring all of them to a certain extent. A good example of this is your digestive system and how important it is to your overall health. As a matter of fact, your digestive system health should be a priority because it can really make a difference in how you feel and how your body reacts to illness.

One of the reasons why your digestive system health is so important to consider is because it is closely linked with your immune system. Your immune health takes care of many different functions in the body, including getting rid of any bacteria that may be harmful to the body, various viruses, and even anything that it perceives as being a danger, such as pollen or other allergens. When things are working nicely, the immune system is going to be able to handle those invaders effectively but if not, it will cause inflammation in the body which will suppress your overall good health.

By giving yourself the right supplements to build up your digestive system, you give your body the fighting chance that it needs. It may be able to help you to see fewer problems with illness and at the same time, give you an overall feeling of well-being because of reduced inflammation in the body.

History Of Kyudo

The archery there since the beginning of human existence on earth. Kyudo martial art developed during the era of the Samurai, the Samurai is a Japanese word which means warrior. Like other Japanese arts, the Edo period (1603 - 1868) was led by Samurai, has contributed much to the development of Kyudo. For this period, for more than 250 years, Japan had closed the doors to foreigners. The Shogun, then the head of feudalism, had led the country and Japan experienced a long period of peace. The flow of people and goods throughout Japan was provided by the Shogun. With these conditions, Japan has prospered and developed cultures that are known to be typically Japanese, for example, Sa-Do (tea ceremony), the Ka-Do (flower arrangement), the Ukiyo (prints), Kabuki (theater), No (theater) and of course the Kyudo.

Basics of Facial Plastic Surgery

Although there are many different types of plastic surgery that can be performed, facial plastic surgery is one of the more common that is seen. At times, it is referred to as a Face Lift but regardless of what you call it, it is designed to help reduce the effects of aging in many patients. If you are planning on having this type of procedure done, it is very important for you to make sure that you choose a surgeon who is very skilled in performing this type of surgery. After all, the results are going to be noticeable, not only to you but to anyone that knows you.

Some of the more common types of face lift surgery include a neck lift, cheek lift, chin implant and eyelid surgery. Each of these is going to have its own effect on the way that you look and in many cases, these types of surgeries can be combined in order to improve your overall appearance. If you’re not sure of exactly what can be done in your particular instance, you can discuss it with the plastic surgeon before any procedure takes place. They can help to give you guidance into what types of surgery may work the best for you and your specific needs.

One other type of Plastic Surgery that may be done is Rhinoplasty, which is also referred to as a nose job. This type of surgery can help to reshape your nose in order to improve its appearance and to get rid of any deformities that may exist. Once again, your surgeon can give you the necessary assistance to make sure that this type of procedure is successful for you.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The "Do"

The "Do" is the way or path. This path is the path of Kyudo, but it is also the path of life. The past and present bring us to the future. With the globalization of our daily lives, many things change faster than before. We may have lost the habit of a perfect thing, because new things happen and take place before we learned to perfect the first. Modern life asks us to be quick and efficient. Kyudo is an opportunity to improve one thing in depth. By repeating the same gestures, we are moving slowly in the path of Kyudo in the direction of perfection. This path is so long that there is no sense to want to stress to get faster. In addition, an advanced too quickly often leads to stagnation. With a good teacher and effort, we can move forward steadily.

Japanese Archery

Kyudo is Japanese archery. Kyudo the word is composed by the "Kyu" and "do". The "Kyu" means bow and "do" can be translated as "the way" or "the way". The Chinese word "Tao" uses the same character as the "Do".

In a ceremony Kyudo, there are two important elements. First is to shoot well, obviously. The second is the label of the shot, ie the protocol. We need to do Kyudo elegantly respecting others and place the shot. For the former, there is a sentence "Sheisha Hitteki" which means "with a shot right, the arrow still falls within the target." It looks very ordinary and simple but if we consider the difficulty, in general, to put the arrow in the target, then it takes a lot of sense. It invites us to try harder.


We now have the advantage of seeking any products through search engines and purchases can be done with online shopping at reliable sites. Many sites cater to the needs of individuals with their requirements and one also has the option of purchasing horse riding apparels like breeches, jackets etc. as well as horse riding equipments. Their prices are the lowest and their quality of services is par excellence. They also offer great deals on the products which come up and the user can take the benefit of these offers that can be advantageous to them.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yin Yang is born

At the top of the Yin Yang is born. Emerges at the top of the Yin Yang. Yin and Yang are relative. Thus, in the Yang, there is the Yin and Yang in the Yin there is the Yin and Yang. For example, in the movement of expansion which is the Yang, there are major expansions and small expansions. The vast expansion corresponds to the general Yang and small expansion corresponds to the small Yang.

When we start the Tai Chi Chuan, we see a bodily sensation during exercise. With slow movements and precise, we can feel this feeling fine, that we ignore in our daily lives. You may be wondering what is this feeling? Perhaps nothing but the pleasure of developing the finesse of our sensibility and also feel that our body lives. Personally, I remember the good feeling I had felt the first time in my back and the trunk of my body to make a single block, while my limbs moved independently.

The flow of "Ki"

When we respect the martial sense, movements begin to live and take power.

The flow of "Ki" (energy) becomes fluid. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the traffic flow of "Ki" with the distribution of nutritional energy throughout the body.

It increases strength and protects against threats from outside, as per example the hot and cold, moisture or dryness. By extension, one might think that Tai Chi Chuan also helps protect against viruses.

Another feature is the alternation of yin and yang in the movements. As one day is made up of the day and night, every movement of Tai Chi Chuan is composed of Yin and Yang. For example, the movement of Yin is shrinking body and movement Yang is expanding. It's also like our life with its ups and down, alternately. With the help of Tai Chi Chuan, this point becomes clear and obvious.

Hair Follicle Drug Test

At, one can buy the detox kits which can be useful on how to pass the drug test and is one of the best nutritional and legal drug test kits sold online. These tests enable to understand the level of detoxifying process in different stages and one is in a position to check the toxin contents with these products. Their detox products are sold with manufacturer money back guarantees giving the utmost customer satisfaction to their valuable clients. These drug kits are useful for detoxifying saliva, urine, blood, hair and range from deep cleaning regimens to quick acting cleansers.

The hair follicle drug test enables the individual in protecting the hair from toxins on the hair by coating the hair with organic film which acts as a spray and eliminates the toxin from the hair and these products are completely safe for use. One has the option of registering at their site and make the desired purchase from the products listed at their site as per their terms and conditions. The customer can contact them through phone or email in case of any queries related to their products. All the latest updates are provided at the site with regards to bestsellers, specials, new products, featured products, etc. and the user can take the benefit of all this information at the time of purchase of the desired product.

Simple and Effective Method

Reiki uses this simple and effective method for treatment. When you ask your hands, Universal Energy, Reiki, moving the hands and body in two directions and the stagnation of the body will receive an empathic energy that helps the body to solve its stagnation.

This wonderful energy can be activated by the initiatives found there are about three quarters of a century.

If you are on your way to search for you or if you have small children, I urge you to be initiated as this could be very useful.

Reiki is Universal Energy

Reiki can support you and help in finding your way. Reiki is Universal Energy that everyone has. This energy can be activated with your love and you can send it to yourself or to others.

When you have a problem or concern, the energy of Reiki can help you solve them. The problem or concern is a result of the stagnation energy 'KI'. If one frees this stagnation, the problem can sometimes be solved alone. This energy flows or circulates through your body and also in all things of this world.
In Japan, we use the word 'TEATE' which means 'put his hand' for medical treatment in general as the cause, treatment was to touch the painful area.

Funny Photo

With the use of advanced technology and with skill, one can use the benefit of internet to the maximum limits with end results to their achievements. The ability of online photo editing or photofunia is a very interesting activity giving the user the benefit of bringing about a magic with the photos by adding the required effects to create a funny photo. One does not have to study photoshop which is time consuming and may take weeks and months to master it but this function and be done with easy and accuracy at reliable sites to create the desired effects on photos or collages with photos of self, family friends or relatives.

From one’s existing photo funny images can be created by choosing the desired effect and creating the image of one’s choice, The number of options available are many and vary from each other giving the user an array of wide choices to choose from and the option of creating different effects each day. These images can be shared online with friends and relatives through links or through social networks which give others access of viewing your creative images. These reliable sites render all the support and guidance to their users in creating an effective image of parents, children, etc. with total customer satisfaction.