Thursday, September 30, 2010

Massage Process


Vibration is not a single process but a set of manipulations. Generally known as the vibration produced by the hands of a masseur on body tissues. The hand can stay anywhere on the body (stable vibration), as it may change places. The jerking motion is effective for massaging the belly, the hand moving as if to pass the flour through a sieve. By increasing intestinal peristalsis, the process removes constipation.

During the massage a member, the therapist shakes leg or arm as if dusted off a mat. This manipulation is practiced in case of poor circulation or in order to strengthen the joints and massage for athletes.

When massaging the back, chest or buttocks, the masseur's hands patting said parts of the body. The action of any type with the palm is called tapping and typing with one fist, the hammer.

During the meeting, if the masseur takes all the manipulations listed so far (except the intensive kneading at the first meeting) is that it does a respectable job. If he does only half, and more softly, this amounts to botch.

For the vibration, the masseur is especially use his hands, for which we can appeal to the electric massage. There is a wide range of instruments for electric massage, ranging from small devices to be used for the finest massage joints and face up to machines with the size and weight of an iron. Massage using equipment is an ideal complement for hands, and his practice is not considered evidence of sloppy.

Outside of massage "classic", there are many versions of "unconventional", among which I will mention a few.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Massage : Methods


The masseur starts and ends the session with this method. He strokes her hand just the patient. Smoothing can be done in different ways: superficial or deep, or continuously with short breaks, using the fingers, with all the palm or only the portion, raking or tingling. During a meeting, it is not absolutely necessary that all the manipulations are performed. All this depends on personal style and your state masseur. That said, always start with a smooth surface and only gradually come to manipulation deeper, more diverse.


This process is similar to smoothing, but insofar as it seeks greater strength, skin tissue shifts that lie underneath. Blood flow strengthens the muscles and ligaments stretch, deposits on joints subside, nerve pain decreases. The friction can be practiced both in the direction of lymphatic flow conversely. The movement of the friction can be done with the palm, as with the fist. We can "cut" a body part with the edge of the palm, while the arm and leg can be "planed" or "hurry".
In the classical massage, the processes of friction after smoothing and precede the kneading massage, more intensive than the friction.


Of her fingers and gently massage the seized raises, kneads, presses the muscles, acting not only on them, but also on the fat tissue underneath the skin. Thus it increases muscle tone, which increases the ability of muscles to contract, we promotes blood circulation. Kneading is a main form of influence exerted on muscles: regardless of whether the muscles are too relaxed or too contracted, kneading has offsetting effects on them.

The process of kneading recalls how kneaded dough. Strictly speaking we can all do is the result which is important to stretch the muscle kneading. Muscles can be pinched, the surfaces can be displaced relative to one another, we can shake, shake, tug, push or twist. Everything depends on the strength of the massager and the patient's masochism. As part of a first meeting, however, intensive forms of mixing are not recommended. The patient must first get accustomed to massage, otherwise the day after the meeting he will feel to have the body "into a thousand pieces", like soreness may feel a body without a drive after playing sports or hard work.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Classical Massage

The masseur must be careful that his office is always at right temperature, there floats a good perfume, a soft music accompanies the massage, the cloth is immaculate cleanliness, and the phone does not ring all five minutes. In the absence of such conditions, the patient can not properly relax physically and mentally. And even if the massage itself is well practiced in any way without proper environment maximum efficiency can be obtained.

There are no regulations concerning the execution unit of the massage. This is an improvisation that depends on the actual situation, the goal of massage which can relax the joints of a ballerina or a sports issue a patient's pain to the column, or relax tone then a healthy person. This is why there are many kinds of massage.

Massage is hard work. A masseur can receive up to ten patients daily or more. In these cases, the greater the temptation to massage "half-steam," performed in a rather sloppy. Lets see what the traditional massage, without sloppy.

Classical massage

This technique consists of four forms of manipulation: smoothing, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Depending on the goal of care, massage can be classical local type, therapeutic, rejuvenating and many others. The general rules of classical massage are:

it should produce no discomfort;
at the household level of pain (sciatica, arthritis), only a superficial massage can be practiced;
the patient should sit comfortably, so that his muscles are released at the most;
the masseur should perform their movements along the lymphatic channels in the direction of the nearest lymph nodes.

Lymphatic flow as the movements of the masseur must follow is shown in the picture below cons using arrows.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Therapeutic Massage

Man (Homo sapiens) became enamored of massage long ago, when he was probably Homo erectus, and will live with until the last member of this living species disappears. The therapeutic effect of massage is spread almost everywhere, with hardly lead to any complications.

Massage relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation and lymphatic systems. It runs the capillaries reserve through which the blood and oxygen come in greater quantity in the internal organs. By the end of the first massage (as the doctors say: "from the first needle stick"), the patient feels his physical and nervous tension decrease, its ability to work better, like his general condition.

Massage is one of the foundation stones of natural medicine. Without him, we could talk about the complete process of healing. However, it is very effective against pain, particularly in the acute pain when it is forbidden to practice not to increase the evils. Only experienced masseurs are able to ease the pain.

How to differentiate a good masseur a scamp ?

Arriving for a massage, remember to take a look at the layout of the place. A competent therapist knows that massage is not only a physical effect, but also aesthetic. Thus it should pay special attention to the arrangement of his "middle".
The restaurant could be a similar example. When asked about where to go, we decide often favoring the "middle": the arrangement of the room, the decor, nice music, friendly service, quality food plays a supporting role. "It's not very good, but it's pretty" is often more important than "it's good, but it is not pretty."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Concept of Ayurveda

These three moods are present in each individual, to say that someone is VATA constitution means that the mood at home VATA is in excess.

When the three humours are balanced without being in excess, is the state of health.

It is quite common that a vein is injured, the withdrawal of the needle causing a little bleeding. But since Spots are far from large veins, the bleeding does not last long. It stops very quickly under the pressure of a cotton swab.

It is extremely unpleasant to feel the needle hit a nerve. The patient has the impression of having been electrocuted.

In contrast, if the needle pierces the pleura or abdominal wall, joking aside. In such cases, the patient should be rushed to a surgeon. That is why in most countries, legislation requires that only doctors can perform acupuncture. Not because the technique can be learned without a medical degree, but because a doctor more easily avoid complications. In Hungary, only acupuncture to the ear can be performed without medical degrees. The pinna not involving any vital organ, the risks are so minimal. In the U.S., however, some states do not require to have medical documentation to practice acupuncture: just get permission to practice.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ayurveda : Introduction

Ayurveda postulates that everything is energy and the energies that govern the macrocosm are identical to those operating in the microcosm. The Universe operates from the energy of five elements: ether, air, water, fire and earth, man is a microcosm of nature is also constituted of these five elements.
Every human being is composed of these five elements in different proportions. It is these proportions that determine its true nature, Ayurveda distinguishes three "doshas, or humors type of constitution they themselves made up of five sub-doshas:

Ether and Air VATA predominant
Pitta predominant Fire and Water
KAPHA Earth and Water predominant

The fire form Pitta, the force that governs the physical energy, digestion, absorption, assimilation. He sits in the liver, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, small intestine, skin and eyes.
On an emotional level, it expresses itself in anger, jealousy, hatred, violence.

Water and earth are Kapha, strength body structure, which connects the various elements together, the lubricant of the joints, skin moisture, vitality of various body tissues, immune strength, energy heart and lungs. He sits in the chest, throat, neck, neck, tongue, hypothalamus, nose, fat tissue, joints, body fluids.
On an emotional level, it is expressed by love, forgiveness, generosity, courage, dedication, calm, envy and greed.

The constitution of each person is characterized by a specific combination of these three doshas. Next on or doshas dominate, one can determine the physical and psychological type to which the patient belongs. The first task of the Ayurvedic practitioner will then determine the tridosha his patient, thereby providing precise indications on the nature of the disease and healing strategies indicated.

For Ayurveda, the disease results from an imbalance between the doshas. The excess or deficiency of one or the other will cause a metabolic disturbance, and ultimately the disease will appear. Dosha is no better than another. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's all about balance.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda integrates the principles of a holistic system of health care and welfare have been developed in India there are over 2500 years. Proponents of ayurveda believe that the person is a microcosm of the universe, which is composed of five elements that represent the basic constituents of all that exists: ether or space, air, fire, water and earth.

These five elements combine to form three fundamental forces, the doshas (Vathi, Pitta and Kapha), whose balance and interactions determine the nature of each person's physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. The tridosha, or the relative balance of three doshas them, therefore determines the specific nature of each person, that is to say its constitution or prakriti.

Space and air are vata, the force that governs the movement and biological rhythm metabolism: respiration, elimination, heart rate, intracellular exchange sympathetic nervous system. He sits in the large intestine, bladder, bone, skin, ears and thighs.On an emotional level, he expressed the joy, anxiety, nervousness, freshness, lightness, fear and pain. Idea theory of five elements and three doshas