Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is the Homeopathic Constitution?

Different types of people belong to it, which relate physical and mental faculties and a predisposition to disease. Each type is named after a homeopathic remedy whose action on it is most effective. That's why the homeopath, as he examines the patient, working to "conform" to a product profile. He then asked strange questions, like "in childhood, were you the type to eat chalk? ".

The constitution homeopathic sometimes coincides with the classification of the individual in Leonhard, being however much more varied. It includes all basic types and complementary. As to how many of these specialist uses - ten, thirty, three hundred - it depends on the knowledge he gained from literature and his good memory.

I present below some brief constitutional data (psychological type) and pathogens (basic symptoms) of homeopathic products, among which you can choose what you want. The fact is that homeopathic products can be purchased without a prescription.

Silver nitrate (Argentum nitricum)

Constitution: thin, pale, restless, always in a hurry, the face of martyrdom, neurotic. This kind of character, like Pinocchio, carved into the wood of Italian tale, constantly agitated and does everything upside down. His words are waves of words, his writing is often illegible, and he omits punctuation. He is unable to manage his time, he's late for everything. With him is disorder. He does not know where anything is, and always looking for something. Impatient, he can not wait. He loves sweets, but can not be eaten in large quantities.

General statement: diseases of the money type people match their psychological character. They are all of "nervous origin", such as impairment, frequent headaches, dizziness, various phobias, primarily dizziness, polyuria "due to fear", diarrhea, stomach pain, asthma "nervous" , skin diseases.

If you belong to this type of person, you can change your overall remaining fresh air and learning how not to fix your attention on thoughts "frightening".

Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Homeopathy is it more attractive to the doctor?

To work, the homeopath needs only a pen, some paper and a good thinking head. No need for special Cabinet, the consultation may well be pursued in a kitchen or on a park bench. Expensive facility is not required. It should not be afraid to prescribe a "bad" drug, because it can do no wrong, he can sleep peacefully.

But these are minor details. The key lies in that homeopathy is an extremely fascinating. The homeopath must also be at the same time practicing psychologist. Good, but not interested in psychology? Strictly speaking, each of us is practicing psychologist. We carry all the psychological classification of each other to the rank of "intelligent", "idiot", "cad" (the latter falling almost a birth category) or "good boy" ("son at her mother" ), "real woman" ("beautiful girl"), "nice".

Homeopathy - when he breaks his head on the destination of the product - is actually the same thing each of us every day, just in another dimension. Would you know what an intelligent person thinks of you? If you're not afraid of losing your own illusions, go to a homeopath. In the following pages you will find the names of products that the homeopath's practice to prescribe. That is to say that depending on the medicine you are prescribed, it considers you as well.

Homeopathic products are not only prescribed on the basis of psychological characteristics, but also physical symptoms. There are "small ball" purely constitutional and psychological, such as phosphorus, belladonna or platinum, others purely symptomatic, in the strict sense. The homeopath does not establish a diagnosis, it treats the symptoms: headache, coughing, polyuria, etc..

Treatment without diagnosis is something mysterious. From the perspective of conventional medicine, is nonsense. According to an alternative perspective, this poses no problem insofar as "small ball" not acting against the headache or cough, but stimulate self-regulated body, doing away with the migraine, asthma and who knows what else.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why homeopathy is it more attractive for the patient?

Firstly because the patient does not use synthetic him "poison" the liver and the whole organism, but harmless sugary granules. It is unknown whether he will heal or not, what is certain is that it does no harm.

Second, homeopathic products are generally cheaper.

Thirdly, people will consult a homeopath are those who have long been treated in outpatient clinic and to no avail, who have tried the whole arsenal of chemical treatment available, and that medicine is "official" was disillusioned.

Fourth, and perhaps the most fundamental: the consulting room of a homeopath does not evoke in us the usual hypochondriacal thoughts like "I'm already an old patient who needs medical treatment ...", we generally leads to the outpatient clinics. Academic medicine is a veiled allusion to death. Faced with this, our perception on taking homeopathic products is equivalent to a sort of amusement of vitamin tablets and dragees small harmless and useful.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prescribed by a homeopathy ?

Homeopathy is a therapeutic method which involves treatment using remedies made primarily from metal salts, second and third animal substances from plants.

That said, what difference is there between homeopathic medicines and the doctor prescribed? The difference lies in that the usual drugs act chemically on the body, while homeopathic products do so informative only, that is to say without using the internal biochemical processes.

I will try to explain what it means to "act in an informative manner". In each drug, such as magnesium or calcium preparations, there is a certain amount of these products, say a gram. Everything else is tying product neutral. In homeopathic preparations made from the same product, the active substance (eg magnesium or calcium or calcium magnesium phosphoricum carbonicum) is not a gram per pill but often only one molecule, all the rest being composed of only neutral tying product.

Not bad, is not it? The doctor prescribed the patient a molecule three times daily before meals. Most interesting however is that in very many cases, a single molecule is as effective and sometimes more effective than high dose of the same product. The question then arises of why pharmaceutical factories do not they make drugs as a molecule added to a binder neutral, instead of wasting in compressed per gram in the pills? The answer is that for some it works with this, and for others with this.

This is not only the dose differentiates homeopathy pharmacology. The destination preparations also differs largely.

Take for example caffeine. It is well known that caffeine has stimulating properties, it is not recommended before bedtime to consume coffee or other caffeine-containing products, otherwise we will not get to sleep anytime soon. At least that's the experience we have in everyday life and also what teaches pharmacology. In homeopathy, it is precisely the opposite is true. Cons insomnia are prescribed specifically caffeine (naturally in a homeopathic dose) that must be ingested before bedtime. And this has nothing to an absurdity, a "twisted logic", but is based on the principle of the founding father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann - "Similia similibus curantum" - "Heal similar by similar ". If you see a homeopath for a "thyrotoxicosis", it will prescribe iodine, and if you send them for symptoms of poisoning by arsenic, will cure arsenic.

For a general practitioner, regardless of whether the patient is good or bad, what is the color of his hair, if ordered or not. He prescribed pills cons cough and goodbye. Conversely, the homeopath before prescribing anything, gets unconditionally "to delve into the soul of the patient" and asks him "stupid": "What time are you calm or stressed? "" Are you able to calm down quickly? "" If you get angry with your spouse, you tend to break dishes or rather to keep your anger in you?"

Why such information is needed? Since there are also homeopathic "dragees cons cough": they are prescribed and the problem is resolved. Indeed, there are, but frankly, the various homeopathic preparations do not act uniformly on various types of people. The homeopath chooses among the remedies "against cough" that which is suitable for a given patient, and not all those who are coughing.