Monday, September 17, 2012

Management Oral Steroids

Data on the effectiveness of oral steroids in the treatment of MS setbacks contradictory. In the study of optic neuritis mentioned above, in the months was observed after treatment, and increase the number of relapses in the group with oral prednisone placebo and treated by MPIV. However, among the experts to examine the results of this study, and there are many who reject the conclusion of the book is that oral prednisone for the subsequent increase in the frequency of relapses.

A recent study showed in Denmark effectiveness of methyl (MP) in the treatment of oral setbacks. Authors compared the effects of oral MP to placebo in patients who have suffered a series of less than 4 weeks. Received twenty-five patients and placebo and 26 500 mg / day given orally for 5 days MP, and cut from 10 days of treatment

Methyl Vein

As seen above, the administration of corticosteroids for a short period is the treatment of acute exacerbations of common MS. Between the different approaches, the intravenous administration methyl (MPIV) the most common, especially because it can be taking the drug over a short period (3 to 5 days per year), and quickly and cause relatively few side effects. Used widely in hospitals and clinics, as well as outpatient clinics. Treatment should be administered under medical supervision, because of side effects, although rare, include psychosis, peptic ulcer, and aseptic bone necrosis, infection, irregular heartbeat, and blood clots.

Some neurologists management periodic MPIV (For example, once a month) in patients who suffer from MS gradual, but is linked to this type of management to increase the risk of side effects and there is no evidence that the data. Changes in the course of the disease


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