Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ian's Syndrome

I do not keep these impurities. I destroy every sign of disease by throwing him down. Then, to avoid infecting the cabinet, I burn them regularly with a candle or I take them off of my body with water.

The disease can arise not only because of a lack of energy, but also because of a surplus. All pain is caused by a surplus of energy is Ian's syndrome. If the aura is a hole in the shoulder and the energy flowing in large quantities there, you see a burning sensation there. The impurities found energy to the skin, they cause eczema. So I have to remove these impurities.

However, if the diseased organ is low, then it should be "recharged". How? I get through the highest chakra energy cosmic and I drive it where it is lacking. Sometimes, certain things must necessarily be destroyed, such as cancer cells. No doubt during your childhood did you ever burn paper by leaking sunlight through a magnifying glass. Well, that's what I do when I treat a patient with cancer. I am not content simply to transmit energy, I will send beams of energy as it burns the tumor or the chakra blockage. For a "setting", I just sometimes a moment, sometimes to spend a lot of time. If the chakra - or duct clogged - is so clogged that I can not even make a small cut, I prefer not to force any further. This means that the time is not right and that the opening will be at future meetings. However, if thereafter we do not succeed, the only instrument left is the "recharge".

Aura, Chakras

At that time, I make a common work with your aura, your chakras and your internal organs. Meanwhile, I figure that my hands go into your body, "palp" your stomach, your kidneys, your pancreas. In case of degeneration of a tissue, I feel empty and cold, and if one of your organs finds inflammation, I perceive a sensation of warmth or burning. Of course a degeneration can also be added inflammation, resulting in a mixed feeling.

I "recharge" the body into energy running "half-steam," I cherish the inflamed mucous membrane, I "applies balm" on an ulcer, I "clean up" the spine. Or I do what Hippocrates taught: "subtract the superfluous and supplement what is missing." As you can see, I proceed to a diagnosis not only initially but also throughout the session. I do not intervene in your "matrix carmat", otherwise known origo energy. I can only deal with your illness. The matrix is your parental inheritance. It can be good or bad. I have no right to change it.

The dentist is required to remove the tooth roots necrotic component of disease outbreaks. As for me, I am required to remove the roots of parasitic diseases your energy.

Therefore, while he works with his hands, naturopath away signs of illness received, cutting them and rejecting them. In other cases, I guess my arms are tubes of vacuum cleaners that suck unnecessary impurities found in you.

Bioenergetics Treatment

What I do then is pure matter of improvisation. I am in a very special state where neither time nor space, nothing can save me from the contact that connects me to you and the Cosmos. I'm probably in the same condition that could be an artist creating his canvas. The paintings are mixed and can be found on the web in an intuitive way. Intuition is our sixth sense. It is through this that occur the process of healing and creation. Treatment bioenergetics is not a job but an art. What I do during a session can not be explained either orally or in writing. As can be expressed in writing what happens when a pianist plays Chopin nocturne. Except that the meeting bioenergetic not like classical music but jazz. We can play two times in a song the same way. As with the same patient.

If you open your eyes, you realize that the naturopath takes her two hands hanging over your body, sometimes bringing them together, and away sometimes.

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