Thursday, January 28, 2010

The current status of naturopathy

In five provinces (British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Saskatchewan) and a dozen U.S. states and in Australia, Israel and some other countries have begun to allow naturopathic doctors to practice primary care medicine. They are therefore entitled to make diagnoses, order tests and tests (radiographs, blood or urine, etc..), Prescribe treatment, providing care and refer patients to medical specialists.

In Quebec and in most Francophone countries in Europe, naturopathy is not officially recognized. Associations of naturopaths, however, work in this direction. For now, we can use the title of naturopath, but it does not necessarily refer to therapists with extensive training. In addition, their practice is generally not subject to strict rules. These naturopaths - whatever the value of their training and skills - are not allowed to ask diagnoses or prescribe treatment. They can than acting as health advisors to complement the care provided by health professionals duly licensed.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine?

In countries where there are no stringent rules governing naturopathy - as is the case of several francophone countries - the term naturopathy and naturopathic medicine are used interchangeably. In English, by cons, naturopathy prevails, and in countries where the discipline is officially recognized, it becomes a doctor of naturopathy (ND), not in naturopathy. On the other hand, the origin of the word naturopathy is uncertain. Perhaps it comes from the Latin: naturo, nature, and the Greek: pathy , suffering. Naturopathic treatment therefore mean suffering - or disease - by nature. But the word is perhaps rather English: path resulting path. Naturopathy mean the path (to health) by nature.

Naturopathic medicine is a complete medical system and consistent efforts primarily on the stimulation of natural mechanisms of healing the body. Naturopathic interventions aimed primarily to activate, nurture and strengthen these mechanisms rather than eliminate symptoms or directly attack pathogens. They also want soft and non-invasive as possible.

Among the key tools of naturopathy, we find, among others, herbal medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, aromatherapy, physical manipulation, the techniques of stress management, etc..

To better understand what today naturopathy, it may be useful to recall its origins dating back to 2500, and his more recent development, for a hundred years.
Its origins

By its nature and its foundations, naturopathy is attached firmly to the medical tradition of ancient Greece. The principles that govern our day to practice naturopathic owe much to the "Hippocratic Corpus," which formed the basis of Western medicine, the fifth century BC to the early twentieth century. Here the main lines.

Primum non nocere - First do no harm. The symptoms of disease (fever, for example) may be signs of a healing process. Therefore, their simple deletion can cause more harm than good. The interventions need to encourage the natural healing process and not the counter.

Screw medicatix naturae - nature holds its own healing power. The body has the inherent ability to preserve health and restore it when he lost. At the heart of the living are the forces of life to achieve it. The role of the physician or therapist is to facilitate access to these forces by discovering and eliminating obstacles to it.

Tolle causam - Discovering and treating the cause. The doctor must seek the causes of disease rather than trying to suppress symptoms. The disease is seen as the ultimate outcome of a particular disorder. Restoring the natural balance can be done by working on the root causes of this disorder.

Docere - Teaching. The physician should guide the patient on the road to recovery and help maintain their health naturally. He must teach him to take care of himself and take charge of their own healing process, according to the following principles:

* The holistic approach. The therapist tells the patient that his disease is the result of a complex set of interactions between physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and it should act on each of them.
* Food. It teaches how to eat so as to obtain all the nutrients necessary for health, to avoid the use of synthetic drugs or surgery.
* Prevention. He finally taught him how to act on its environment and lifestyle to maximize his strength and well-being and, ultimately, reduce the risk of disease.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


More and more people are turning to natural medicine because they see in it a good alternative to conventional medicine. Practicing natural medicine is used primarily by medical practitioners.

What about the training of the healer?

About 70% of the candidates have the Abitur. And they visit a healer school where you teach doctors in several years of training a paramedical knowledge. At the health department then a written and oral examination takes two doctors, in Schleswig-Holstein also held in front of a healer.

Results: Over 80% of all candidates fall at the first Naturopaths Attempt by. So high is the difficulty! And that's a good thing, because a healer like a doctor carries a great responsibility towards his patients.

Can it be that the physicist Dr. Joachim Bublath all this did not really know?

To the basics, how to become medical practitioners. But why did anyone ever take this job? And what additional therapeutic options does the natural healing of the healer to the medicine?

To get answers to these and other questions, we will visit various internal Naturopaths and alternative practitioners to us as part of video interviews about their personal background, their natural healing therapies, and report on their articles and recipes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Introduction to Naturopathy

The Naturopathic medicine is eternal. Throughout history, men are treated with food, plants, water, applications of clay baths, manipulation, etc.. ...

This medicine has been non-violent in the past represented by Tilden and Trall American, German and Schrott Kneipp and the general Khune who laid the foundations of unity morbid, the French Dumont d'Urville, Rouhet, Carton and many others.

More recently, the great popularizers of Naturopathy was the Americans Shelton and Jensen, Thomson English, Portuguese and French Marchesseau Colucci.

Although not recognized in France, hygiene and natural medicines are regarded favorably by allopathic and homeopathic sincere. And for good reason: Naturopathy is above all a health, lifestyle and diet correctly, the only way to maintain healthy human health and restore the patient's chronic.

However, the allopathic or homeopathic doctor did not have time to teach healthy lifestyles. Whatever one may say, there is a triangle in which all medical methods complement each other:

• Allopathy, Emergency Medicine irreplaceable
• Homeopathy, medicine, non-toxic to micro doses of regulatory failures
• The Naturopathic medicine of the deep, restorative health by removing the causes (etiology) disease.

According to the conceptions of CENA directed by Robert MASSON, respect and observance by man of natural factors bring him health. The disrespect and defiance of natural factors result in disease.

The education of Robert Masson result of rational observations, several thousands of consultations and advice to patients and a sensible step.

What applies is reproducible, and based on observations of the overall physiology. His pragmatism is based on an experimental logic that leaves no room for vagueness, and a methodology that naturopathic individually depending on the type of cases.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The similarity

Homeopathy is based on the principle of similarity formalized by Hahnemann after only observing the effect of cinchona bark: malaria causes fever and cinchona bark quinine in large doses causes intoxication also accompanied fever, Hahnemann was assumed that it activated a defense mechanism against fever, whatever its cause.

It was during the generalization of his theory to other diseases that have caused adverse effects forced to lower doses practicing dilutions. To his great regret, the classical dilution, if it diminished the toxic effects, also erased the pharmacological effects. He discovered the method of stimulation, which, surprisingly, in his own words, preserved and altered the pharmacological effects of the substance.

The case of Oscillococcinum, Boiron Laboratories, is more complex. The drug was designed by Joseph Roberts on the principles of homeopathy, by stimulation of oscillocoques, microbe imaginary claimed that Roy discovered in various infections, particularly in cases of influenza. The existence of the oscillocoque has never been confirmed and the observations of Roy never been reproduced. Thus, Oscillococcinum is simply a preparation of filtered autolysate of liver and heart of Anas barbariae (Muscovy) invigorated the 200th K, for which there is no complete pathogenesis. Some homeopaths, Oscillococcinum is therefore generally not prescribed homeopathic way. Its manufacturing process is similar however to that of other homeopathic remedies and has generally, in countries where it is marketed, the official status of homeopathic medicine.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Homeopathy is built on a principle and its corollaries formulated together by Hahnemann in the late eighteenth century.

* The principle of "sameness": the rectory of a set of symptoms is provided by a substance (plant, mineral or animal) that causes similar symptoms in healthy subjects: Similia similibus curantur.

* The "adaptation" of treating the patient: the principle of similarity and its verification, take place whenever the search for the most similar remedy was carried out carefully by the practitioner: it is "the individualization. Each treatment is customized to each patient and, whatever the name of the disease, the search for "all" the symptoms presented by the patient at the center of the method. It explains the length of the dialogue between doctor and patient. The step of observing the symptoms caused by a substance in healthy individuals, which always precedes the application of the principle of similarity, and its transcript corresponds to the establishment of a proving. In practice, the best known homeopathic medicines (Oscillococcinum, Sedative PC ...) are in fact produced on an industrial scale and prescribed for many patients.

* The "dynamic": after preparing each dilution is shaken (successions) vigorously, manually or mechanically, allowing the homeopathic preparation to retain its pharmacological effects, despite significant dilution.

Homeopathy is opposed to allopathy, a term invented by Hahnemann and also means that any medication that is not based on the similarity in the choice of therapy, but on the "principle of opposites." Thus, herbal medicine is a healing method allopathic. Nevertheless, the concepts of "principle of opposites" or "principle of similarity" does not have the same empirical or scientific basis.

The adjective is "homeopathic" and the person applying this method is a "homeopath". By semantic shift, "homeopathic" means in common parlance often a small dose of a product by reference to the current characteristics of homeopathy, while the original meaning of the word homeopathy is treated by similarity: the substance chosen to treat sick person is called "homeopathic patient.

Friday, January 8, 2010

History of Homeopathy

Used in ancient times, the principle of "similarity was" rediscovered "by a Saxon physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), when he realized that cinchona bark causes the same symptoms as" fever third.

In 1796, he laid the foundations of homeopathy in a trial, then it was in 1810, he completes his theory with "Organon der Heilkunst (Organon of the healing arts).

In the 1830s, homeopathy began to spread in France, but also to the United States. Pharmacists refusing to produce these products [citation needed], the disciples of Hahnemann had to make them themselves.

On the death of Hahnemann in 1843, homeopathy declined in Europe and it is only the beginning of the twentieth century with the onset of laboratories and the craze for paramedicine, she began her industrial history and its wide dissemination to patients.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


The homeopathy homeopathy (Greek όμοιος / homoiosis, 'similar' πάθος / pathos, "suffering" or "disease") is a non-conventional medicine invented by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 comprising administering to the patient or lower doses infinitesimal obtained by dilution and agitation (boosting) of a substance selected according to the physical and mental condition of the patient.

It is based on the principle of "similarity". This principle states that a person with a disease can be treated with the substance producing symptoms similar to those of the disease in a healthy person.

Homeopathy is considered by most of the international scientific community as a pseudo-science without scientific validity or clinical efficacy.

Homeopathy is in total contradiction with the fundamental principles of chemistry and physics today. The supposed effect of homeopathic medicines is generally regarded as the result of the placebo effect.

The practice of homeopathy is unevenly distributed around the world. The annual rate of use ranges from 2% in the United Kingdom to 36% in France. In France, homeopathic medicines are between 1.2 and 2% of repayments of CNAM.

The homeopathic industry is dominated globally by Laboratoires Boiron who are also the second largest manufacturer of prescription drugs in France.