Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Essential oil of lavender grosso

Family: Labiatae
Origin: South of France
Biological name: Lavandula burnatii

Botanical description: This is a hybrid of two species of Lavender: The lavender and wild lavender. The lavender has been developed to give an advantage because its essential oil heads contain more flowers than the original lavender. It has a yield three times higher than other species of lavender, it is now the most cultivated. Its aroma is camphor. Lavandin is a compendium of virtues of different lavenders.

Synergy: Fits perfectly with all essential oils, especially with citrus essences and essential oils of flowers.

Properties: The essential oil of lavender has properties very similar to that of lavender. It is primarily anti-microbial, bactericide and fungicide, it is also local anesthetic, diuretic, vermifuge. Anti-inflammatory, it also acts to relieve rheumatism. Thanks to its strong fragrance, essential oil of lavender grosso promotes expectoration, it is recommended for colds and bronchitis. It is also used by athletes, broadcast, to prepare their muscles by massage, and mental toughness. Its action neurotonic it overcomes the physical and mental fatigue and promotes sleep people anxious or stressed. It can also treat burns, sores or skin irritations.

To allay the problems of agitation:
Lavender essential oil: 20 drops
Mandarin essential oil: 20 drops
Oil of Petit Grain citron: 20 drops
Vegetable oil, jojoba or macadamia: 100ml
Massaging the arch and the solar plexus 3 times a day.

To relieve muscle spasm:
Lavender essential oil: 50 drops
Oil of Rosemary cineole: 20 drops
Vegetable oil, jojoba or macadamia. 50ml
Massage the painful parts with oil.

To relieve the headache:
Lavender essential oil: 50 drops
Basil Essential Oil: 20 drops
Peppermint essential oil: 20 drops
Vegetable oil, macadamia or jojoba 100 ml
Massage the forehead several times a day if necessary.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lavender: Mediterranean plant "with a thousand virtues'

Lavender Field Named scientifically "lavandula stoechas' we know more commonly known as lavender. The Romans were the first to use it to scent their bath water and laundry. The research and contemporary processes have resulted in the extraction of lavender essential oil, which happens to have many virtues: sedative, vermifuge, hypotensive, analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial and decongestant.

In addition to its many therapeutic qualities, lavender essential oil can also be used diluted as a care product to treat and regenerate the skin. Combined with sesame oil and sweet almond oil, for example, it nourishes and softens maintaining its hydro-lipidic protective film.

Form of massage oil, lavender encourages us to relax for a good night's sleep!

Where to buy lavender essential oil quality?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Essential oils to fight against stress and anxiety

Aromatherapy also be very effective against stress and anxiety.

Unlike synthetic fragrances, essential oils, with their dynamic and volatile molecules, reach our morale and our emotions. With the smell an essential oil emerges, it draws our minds to ease and that a physiological action is taking place in our body. It is advisable to choose essential oils to the odor that are attractive, their effects will be far more beneficial! Have you ever felt a kind of "joy house" smelling a rose? At about the same principle!

The essential oils useful against anxiety:

Rose essential oil
Geranium Essential Oil
Neroli essential oil
Oil of Bergamot
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Oil of German Chamomile or Roman
Essential oil of orange or tangerine

The essential oils useful against stress:

Lavender essential oil
Roman Chamomile essential oil
Neroli essential oil
Essential oil of Ylang-ylang

You do not know where to buy these essential oils? Have a look on my page Buy essential oils!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good natural reflexes to keep the line

To keep a slim line tonic and should be exercising, breathe, eat healthy, drink lots of water ... all these little tricks, we know them, they always make the headlines at the time of female heyday!

And what about food?

In the press, we often suggest to remove fat from our diet, but this is not what it was better to do! Our body needs fat, but not just any! We must not forget to build into our meal foods rich in fatty acids of Omega 3 Group. Some fish like salmon or sardines, walnuts, flaxseed and pumpkin. Think also of vegetable oils to flavor your salads, such as linseed oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil, musk rose oil .. They are soaked!

To support these efforts dietary, respiratory and sports, you can also use essential oils.

Here is a recipe for massage oil firming, and these two recipes: tips for natural or herbal essential oils to produce a unjamming cellulite or how to remove cellulite.