Japanese word consisting of the word "rei" meaning spirit transcendent, universal essence, mysterious power, and "kI" which means "energy or life force", Reiki means "universal life force! According to the Japanese technique of healing, the universe is created in this "life force energy" that is found in various cultures. For example, among the Hindus, it is "Shakti Kundalini".
In Chinese, it is the "Chi" (energy existing in acupuncture or "Tai Chi").
Within Christianity, this energy corresponds to the "Light and Holy Spirit" for the Russians, we will use the "Bioplasma" for those interested in the esoteric, this is called the "Cosmic Force" not to mention those for whom it will be "Universal Consciousness" and even "Force"! Quite well known and practiced today around the world, Reiki is defined as a relaxation technique, but also healing through laying on of hands. Rediscovered and developed by the Japanese monk Mikao Usui (1865-1929) in the late 19th century as it was a therapy dating back 2500 years (transcribed by a follower of the Buddha), the therapeutic value of This form of Japanese healing does not leave indifferent those who know her. But how did it happen? According to the history of Reiki, Mikao Usui, for about three weeks of fasting and contemplation, was initiated symbols contained in the ancient texts. Since he passed his knowledge throughout his life to more than 2,000 people and opened a Reiki clinic in the Japanese capital, the head of which he placed Chujiro Hayashi.
In turn, it passed this art to a Japanese (Hawayo Takata) who was cured of a tumor in his clinic, using the techniques of Reiki. So with that Hawayo Takata Reiki has spread around the world following his trip in 1938. But what are the practices of Reiki? Technical simple and powerful at a time, Reiki is practiced by a technique of laying on of hands where the captured energy flows through the body while providing deep relaxation and a feeling of well-being, both for the donor and the recipient.