Monday, March 7, 2011

Psychotherapy for All

In today's world moving at full speed, a growing number of people need to require psychological counseling, and receive less and less of their natural environment, their family. Even success does not Mental Health. In America, many people rich and famous regularly consult their psychotherapist: a well-padded bank account does not replace a healthy personality. Have its "own" is a psychotherapist in the United States something as natural as having his own hairdresser or mechanic.

Why psychotherapists are they few in Hungary? Economic difficulties, the precarious situation that followed the widespread change of regime, the high suicide rate suggests the need for more Hungarians to use counseling. People have they probably can not afford to pay for the fees? In the America of the thirties, they did not. The explanation lies rather in that they do not understand the need for psychotherapy. The myth of the "I can manage my own psychological problems" is such that nobody can overthrow him. Each individual is subjective side to himself, he is not able to measure weight and psychological state to find the optimal solution. This word, which will help you, you can not pronounce it alone, "says an adage.

That said, the situation is still changing, slowly, and if the mood strikes you, you can always seek not only a psychiatrist but a psychologist-psychotherapist. Now see the differences between on the one hand these two professions, and secondly that of psychiatrist.


Sigmund Freud introduced at the turn of the century a theory of personality extraordinarily influential and dynamic and a therapeutic practice based on it. His followers, Jung, Adler and others have continued largely to evolve and adapt Freud's original designs. The psychoanalytic approach is still representative of a significant portion of the practice of psychotherapy.

Design phenomenological (humanistic psychology)

According to Carl Rogers, a key figure in humanistic psychology, each man has a positive potential, which - if significant adverse influences do not hinder - generates sound changes. This trend towards the development scope is called refresh (self-realization).

The humanistic therapies tend to promote self-realization by removing barriers that arise.

The humanistic therapies are typical gestalt therapy ("sitting on a hot seat" where, responding to questions from the group, you internalize the fact of being the most important person, the "star"), transactional analysis (re misses games and scenarios of life), psychodrama, and the logos therapy seeking the meaning of life.

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Due to its efficient and stress free mode of operation, this company has built up its relationship with many a companies and people in their process of service to them. A helpline available to the needs of the interested person is excellent and the user gets all the required help and assistance from their ready, dedicated and supportive team on board. One can rest assured of an excellent service from this company.

- This is a sponsored review