Sunday, December 26, 2010

Homeopathy Medicines Part 5

Arsenic (Arsenicum Album)

Constitution: it is the nature of the classification léonhardienne pedantic. The "type arsenic" is an individual ordered. With him, everything is in place. If we will set an appointment, we can be certain not to see it being late one minute. If instead it is we who are behind the "arsenic" will not become excited while pacing in front of the clock, but - not to lose his "precious time" - take a book and begin to highlight parts. To "occupy his free time," this individual is necessarily a hobby. It can even be sure that it will plunge deeply. People like arsenic are usually collectors with an excellent taste. But if one of these collectors a "hobby" his own health, I do not envy her doctor. What kind of person who reads all the literature and on the disease, sometimes in consultation and harassing the doctor questions about what has not yet been discovered in his home.

General Condition: The individual has often pedantic style of diseases of the skin resulting in itching and burning, and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. It's lifetime of gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, or hemorrhoids. Of course, this does not mean it is immune from bronchial asthma, angina pectoris or diabetes.

Directions: If a person is always accurate and on time, it can release a lot of problems if it gets used to going to bed before midnight. She must avoid cold and absolutely start playing sports.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Homeopathy Medicines Part 4

Sulphur (Sulfur)

Constitution: the individual "sulfur" is a multifaceted character. From outside, it is fat, neglected and smell of perspiration. In his reign a big mess, it brings everything back and do not throw anything. However, what others see as a mess is the standard of living "Sulphur": he knows where everything is. This character talkative, impatient and cantankerous is an endless selfishness. He cares nothing of what other people, only himself - his own thoughts, hobbies. Happy and unhappy, he was lend things, but never does anything. Like the idea that maybe he too could help others through him never mind.

Type "Sulphur" is particularly greedy and petty. It is close with his money, but if it is to buy a car, it must be the best. The "child sulfur" is the cross of his parents, he perpetually hungry and crying all night. It regularly wins the fair average in school. Want to know why? Because of his great intelligence. For him, what is taught is boring. And when he grows up he will, somehow, a person with an extraordinary knowledge. It simply means that "people of Sulphur" has a highly developed ability to retain essential.

If in addition a great capacity for work, then it seems to them not too difficult - as to Mendeleev, Karl Marx, Balzac, Einstein - to make scientific discoveries open new scientific or artistic works created . This type is almost always working at night, does not spare himself and rarely reaches an advanced age.

General condition: a multifaceted personality is consistent with many diseases. If no one knows what the homeopath to prescribe, he always looks for the sulfide.

Directions: bad weather, the type of person sulfur must stay home, yet warm and dry weather, it must unconditionally take a walk outdoors.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Homeopathy Medicines Part 3

Phosphorus (Phosphorus)

Constitution: readers may have already had occasion during the lighting of phosphorus chemistry. If so, you probably remember how this view was beautiful: a flare, beautiful sparks, smoke quickly dissipating. Like a firework. The nature of this type of individual is similar to this: a mischievous humor, a caring, sociable, expansive trend characterize. As with d'Artagnan or Charlie Chaplin, you never get bored with it. A person phosphorus type is optimistic, look on the bright side and tends to make personal sacrifices and acts without thinking. This individual has many friends, he gladly help at any time and is willing to sacrifice the material to the spiritual. He often draws upon a star and falls in love easily. It's a great actor and a talented orator. As children, he is unable to sit in one place. It's a sensitive person. He catches everything on the fly, raising hopes, but then, nothing. His lack of calm and its inability to perform monotonous work did not allow him to do things through. It does almost none of its promises. It has an impulsive nature and fatigue.

General statement: the more inflamed, the more it runs out, get tired or become depressed. Among his internal organs are his bones and his lungs are weakened. He noted frequent bleeding.

Directions: sleep and tranquility allow it to recharge lost energy and improve its overall condition.

Silica (Silicea terra)

Constitution: if you, dear reader, are someone timid, fearful, anxious, weepy trend, but stubborn, you probably belong to the "type silicon. Puny, rickety, bandy legs, his face showing an expression of suffering, "Silicon children" are recognizable from afar. The surface of their skin is thin striated multiple scratches are struggling to heal. These children are emotionally destroyed, whatever the surroundings amid which they live, they sit in the end table or in a corner and suck their thumbs in silence in order to satisfy their insatiable hunger. They struggle with the difficulty of teaching materials. In adulthood, type silicon compensates for its inferiority complex and weaknesses in intellectual work capacity and an incredible strength. If he decided something, he will "even on the knees." He did not have much strength, but its application stubborn allows him to do more than anyone. In practice, nobody can say no to this "tank forcing", which is why the "silicon" is an irreplaceable example where something has to be obtained. Finally, type silicon is not a negative figure. A courteous person, optimist, who always sees the end of the tunnel.

General statement: the enormous capacity for work fatigue quickly physically and mentally people type silicon. Failing that, they could reverse the poles of the Earth. The other feature of their habit is their low immunity. These individuals are prone to colds and constantly to sinusitis, ear infections and pneumonia. They are often covered with blisters. All of these diseases they heal and hang with difficulty. At age 25, their defense capability relative to normal manner, without reaching a normal level. Individuals type silicon often fall ill.

Purpose: to not get sick as often, those type silicon should avoid cold, too intellectual work and long trips. Their general condition improved immediately when they are warm.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Homeopathy Medicines Part 2

Copper (Cuprum metallicum)

Constitution: readers surely remember the boxing world champion Mike Tyson, who sometimes ended up in prison for sexual abuse, sometimes in the ring has bitten the ear of his opponent in the heat of the action. Copper is a character so surly, rude, unpleasant, musty, unbalanced, which in its furious grind everything that comes to hand. The individual copper type does not like somebody touches, like he can not stand but stand near him, and in general he does not mix with others. If he has no distinctive individuals, however his anger and his eyes are always representative of unpleasant person.

General statement: nature predestined to a sore irritated condition. In the "man of copper", spasms and convulsions are typical. Trigger bronchial spasms asphyxiating seizures, spasms, intestinal colic, constipation and diarrhea, while vascular spasms cause hypertension and frequent headaches. These acute spasmodic pain begin suddenly and disappear as they appeared. Epilepsy, nervous agitation, stammering, phobias, leg cramps at night waking the individual characteristics of this malware.

Directions: If representatives copper type with those around them behave so only malicious, they love each other very much themselves. This is why command of the Bible "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" would be for them the most effective remedy. If one tries to force this person to stay in bed, it only worsens his condition. The work therapy is much more useful in his case.

Natrium (Natrium-mur)

Constitution: natrium mur is commonly known as salt. Lovers of pickles and salted herring are very sensitive, enthusiastic, capable, whiners, caring and loving family members. At the same time, they are vengeful: they never forgive offenses received, remember everything, live with their memories of "injustices" are often taken hysterical and can not bear to be comforted. During childhood, this nature is often the cause of conflicts with older children.

People like natrium as low mentally and physically. Bags under the eyes and skin moist characterize them.

General statement: how our condition would he react after swallowing more than half a glass of salt? We would thirst and headache, then come up-the-heart, vomiting, diarrhea. If we swallowed a whole glass, in addition to previous symptoms of heart rhythm disorders, asthma, anemia. These diseases are characteristic of the individual "salt". This type of individual has no design problem. Precisely why homeopaths prescribe products natrium women who "can not" get pregnant.

Directions: a supine position and a cure sudorific improve their overall condition.

Homeopathy Medicines Part 1

Platinum (Platinum metallicum)

Constitution: platinum is a precious metal, the representatives of this type - like Margaret Thatcher - behave as if they themselves were treasures unrivaled. They are beautiful and proud people, "aware of their values," cruel and demeaning those around them. If a woman like platinum has not become a celebrity, then it suffers from megalomania, sees himself as a queen, a princess if challenged returning to his throne "on the corpses of others." For her, the husband - like all other men - that is small change: it is just right for serving. All the people around him are trivial and unworthy of her. The woman was born to meet platinum Man, that is to tell the truth - the "knight on a white horse," sooner or later it exchanges without thinking for a knight in Mercedes. There is hardly anyone who could satisfy the hyper-sexual creature. If sexual fondling him cause an orgasm, the act itself makes him lose consciousness.

General statement: he finds his nature. His frequent hysterical reactions lead to depression, headaches, hypochondria, and its sexual virtues number of gynecological diseases.

Directions: it is good that people follow the aphorism: "If a woman is wrong, ask her forgiveness." With this, they can halve the hysterical woman's "platinum".

Calcium carbonate (Calcium carbonicum)

Constitution: the right character, together, determined, predictable, neat, very talkative, trustworthy, persistent, loyal, disciplined, practical and stubborn. Calm temperament. This is an individual who has a sense of responsibility. It does not renounce its principles: victory or death. It is logical constitution, emotionally balanced. His actions are settled, their approach is military, it certainly sits. He is not happy, but not fussy either. He has little fantasy, the tasks assigned to it must be explained in detail, otherwise it gets lost. He knows exactly what he wants. He does not like change. If anything, it's a safe bet, "no return". It is man's monotonous work, it works easily on a treadmill. Child, he did not play loud. He has few friends, but his friendship "lasts until the grave."

General statement: Calcium is the building block of bone. The weakness of the individual type of calcium is bone. It usually feels pain in the spine and joints, in addition to being often affected by other illnesses such as headaches, allergies, heart pain, sexual problems.

Indications: Because his bones do not bear the wet and cold, it is best in autumn and winter this person dresses well, like a trip to the North Pole. In addition, the full moon it does not plan intensive work, because in this period it is not at his best.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is the Homeopathic Constitution?

Different types of people belong to it, which relate physical and mental faculties and a predisposition to disease. Each type is named after a homeopathic remedy whose action on it is most effective. That's why the homeopath, as he examines the patient, working to "conform" to a product profile. He then asked strange questions, like "in childhood, were you the type to eat chalk? ".

The constitution homeopathic sometimes coincides with the classification of the individual in Leonhard, being however much more varied. It includes all basic types and complementary. As to how many of these specialist uses - ten, thirty, three hundred - it depends on the knowledge he gained from literature and his good memory.

I present below some brief constitutional data (psychological type) and pathogens (basic symptoms) of homeopathic products, among which you can choose what you want. The fact is that homeopathic products can be purchased without a prescription.

Silver nitrate (Argentum nitricum)

Constitution: thin, pale, restless, always in a hurry, the face of martyrdom, neurotic. This kind of character, like Pinocchio, carved into the wood of Italian tale, constantly agitated and does everything upside down. His words are waves of words, his writing is often illegible, and he omits punctuation. He is unable to manage his time, he's late for everything. With him is disorder. He does not know where anything is, and always looking for something. Impatient, he can not wait. He loves sweets, but can not be eaten in large quantities.

General statement: diseases of the money type people match their psychological character. They are all of "nervous origin", such as impairment, frequent headaches, dizziness, various phobias, primarily dizziness, polyuria "due to fear", diarrhea, stomach pain, asthma "nervous" , skin diseases.

If you belong to this type of person, you can change your overall remaining fresh air and learning how not to fix your attention on thoughts "frightening".

Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Homeopathy is it more attractive to the doctor?

To work, the homeopath needs only a pen, some paper and a good thinking head. No need for special Cabinet, the consultation may well be pursued in a kitchen or on a park bench. Expensive facility is not required. It should not be afraid to prescribe a "bad" drug, because it can do no wrong, he can sleep peacefully.

But these are minor details. The key lies in that homeopathy is an extremely fascinating. The homeopath must also be at the same time practicing psychologist. Good, but not interested in psychology? Strictly speaking, each of us is practicing psychologist. We carry all the psychological classification of each other to the rank of "intelligent", "idiot", "cad" (the latter falling almost a birth category) or "good boy" ("son at her mother" ), "real woman" ("beautiful girl"), "nice".

Homeopathy - when he breaks his head on the destination of the product - is actually the same thing each of us every day, just in another dimension. Would you know what an intelligent person thinks of you? If you're not afraid of losing your own illusions, go to a homeopath. In the following pages you will find the names of products that the homeopath's practice to prescribe. That is to say that depending on the medicine you are prescribed, it considers you as well.

Homeopathic products are not only prescribed on the basis of psychological characteristics, but also physical symptoms. There are "small ball" purely constitutional and psychological, such as phosphorus, belladonna or platinum, others purely symptomatic, in the strict sense. The homeopath does not establish a diagnosis, it treats the symptoms: headache, coughing, polyuria, etc..

Treatment without diagnosis is something mysterious. From the perspective of conventional medicine, is nonsense. According to an alternative perspective, this poses no problem insofar as "small ball" not acting against the headache or cough, but stimulate self-regulated body, doing away with the migraine, asthma and who knows what else.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why homeopathy is it more attractive for the patient?

Firstly because the patient does not use synthetic him "poison" the liver and the whole organism, but harmless sugary granules. It is unknown whether he will heal or not, what is certain is that it does no harm.

Second, homeopathic products are generally cheaper.

Thirdly, people will consult a homeopath are those who have long been treated in outpatient clinic and to no avail, who have tried the whole arsenal of chemical treatment available, and that medicine is "official" was disillusioned.

Fourth, and perhaps the most fundamental: the consulting room of a homeopath does not evoke in us the usual hypochondriacal thoughts like "I'm already an old patient who needs medical treatment ...", we generally leads to the outpatient clinics. Academic medicine is a veiled allusion to death. Faced with this, our perception on taking homeopathic products is equivalent to a sort of amusement of vitamin tablets and dragees small harmless and useful.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prescribed by a homeopathy ?

Homeopathy is a therapeutic method which involves treatment using remedies made primarily from metal salts, second and third animal substances from plants.

That said, what difference is there between homeopathic medicines and the doctor prescribed? The difference lies in that the usual drugs act chemically on the body, while homeopathic products do so informative only, that is to say without using the internal biochemical processes.

I will try to explain what it means to "act in an informative manner". In each drug, such as magnesium or calcium preparations, there is a certain amount of these products, say a gram. Everything else is tying product neutral. In homeopathic preparations made from the same product, the active substance (eg magnesium or calcium or calcium magnesium phosphoricum carbonicum) is not a gram per pill but often only one molecule, all the rest being composed of only neutral tying product.

Not bad, is not it? The doctor prescribed the patient a molecule three times daily before meals. Most interesting however is that in very many cases, a single molecule is as effective and sometimes more effective than high dose of the same product. The question then arises of why pharmaceutical factories do not they make drugs as a molecule added to a binder neutral, instead of wasting in compressed per gram in the pills? The answer is that for some it works with this, and for others with this.

This is not only the dose differentiates homeopathy pharmacology. The destination preparations also differs largely.

Take for example caffeine. It is well known that caffeine has stimulating properties, it is not recommended before bedtime to consume coffee or other caffeine-containing products, otherwise we will not get to sleep anytime soon. At least that's the experience we have in everyday life and also what teaches pharmacology. In homeopathy, it is precisely the opposite is true. Cons insomnia are prescribed specifically caffeine (naturally in a homeopathic dose) that must be ingested before bedtime. And this has nothing to an absurdity, a "twisted logic", but is based on the principle of the founding father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann - "Similia similibus curantum" - "Heal similar by similar ". If you see a homeopath for a "thyrotoxicosis", it will prescribe iodine, and if you send them for symptoms of poisoning by arsenic, will cure arsenic.

For a general practitioner, regardless of whether the patient is good or bad, what is the color of his hair, if ordered or not. He prescribed pills cons cough and goodbye. Conversely, the homeopath before prescribing anything, gets unconditionally "to delve into the soul of the patient" and asks him "stupid": "What time are you calm or stressed? "" Are you able to calm down quickly? "" If you get angry with your spouse, you tend to break dishes or rather to keep your anger in you?"

Why such information is needed? Since there are also homeopathic "dragees cons cough": they are prescribed and the problem is resolved. Indeed, there are, but frankly, the various homeopathic preparations do not act uniformly on various types of people. The homeopath chooses among the remedies "against cough" that which is suitable for a given patient, and not all those who are coughing.

Friday, October 29, 2010

How did all this work?

The legend says that the chiropractor "shall give their place between the vertebrae" discs "that have slipped." In fact, it's not quite it. It is very rare to get to manually reinstall discs, which have moved. No differences were observed in radios made before and after therapy. The surgery is often unavoidable.

Another legend says that the manual therapy, acting on the autonomic nervous system connected to internal organs, and is appropriate not only to cure all discs, but also internal organs. This theory was developed by Daniel Palmer, founder of chiropractic. According to him, each disease may be related to a pinched nerve in the column. He sincerely believes that through the method he has discovered, it will free humanity from disease. Dear readers, if your chiropractor tells you this fable for children, I beg you not to discuss with him (we know it "is always right"). Therefore, we have no knowledge of or at the effects of chiropractic, or acupuncture or those of bioenergy.

Life has unfortunately proven that chiropractic, except for muscle pain and column as well as for headaches, is not effective enough to cure. Many chiropractors do not intend to dispose of their old ambition: they continue to tell how they have delivered their patients with gastritis, asthma, depression. Ultimately, they do not lie: their patients are really cured. Except that it did almost nothing to do with manual therapy. Because there is a type of individual that can cure anything, regardless of what the naturopath with him.

How many sessions are needed?

Consider the opinion of two different chiropractors:

Dr. Steven Bratman (USA): "For starters, I recommend ten sessions, and if an improvement occurs, it is appropriate to conduct further ten sessions.

Dr. Yuri Petrov (Hungary): "If after the second or third meeting there is no improvement, it is usually unnecessary to continue treatment. "

For me, the second opinion arouses in me a greater confidence. Everyone is far from needing to call a chiropractor. And if you'd rather your overcome various ailments with a small fee - of course no ordinary way, but nature - what can you do? Go see a homeopath.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Acting on chiropractic?

According to the statistics I have myself made on all patients consulting a naturopath, nearly half complained of back pain or joint pain perpetual or temporary.

If a problem column appears at the neck, the pain does not show up in the spine itself. The patient then feels headache, dizziness, poor confidence in his approach. These ills are caused by vascular spasms, and poor irrigation of the brain, while the back muscles hypercontraction created a sense of chronic illness.

Diseases of the spine are the consequences of holding on two legs. In addition, throughout the aging process produces a rarefaction of bone (osteoporosis) and a deficiency in calcium in articular cartilage, ligaments and tendons. Some may observe 30 years already, and others, more lucky, never.

If this kind of diseases can act acupuncture, physiotherapy, homeopathy, bioenergy and even in the healing of bone diseases, the prize goes to chiropractic.

United States, the Department of Health recommends chiropractic as a therapeutic method to treat the basic sharp pains in the spine, back muscles and neck.

In such cases, chiropractic heals more quickly and efficiently as acupuncture or other alternative means of therapy.

Yes but, official medicine? It turns out that she absolutely can not treat the pain above. It is completely unnecessary to turn to a doctor or any specialist "official" for muscle pain or column. In the best case, they send the patient for physiotherapy. According to my findings, physiotherapy is unfortunately far less effective than acupuncture or chiropractic.

Similarly to acupuncture, the success of chiropractic therapy surely depends largely on the qualifications of the specialist. The fact feel and interpret the movement of bones and intervertebral discs is at the level of professional skills of the chiropractor. This also determines the extent to which the diagnosis is correct and effective treatment.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Chiropractor : Philosophical Principles

The chiropractor is always right. The "osteopath" is also known as a specialist in manual therapy. In the West, this activity is called chiropractic (or chiropractic).

Why has he "always right"? Because it is impossible to argue with him. As he can be convinced of anything.

Similarly, massage, chiropractic therapy is a method of "laying on of hands", although the two approaches observed a difference of principle. Massage affects the muscles, while chiropractic involves the manipulation of the spine, intervertebral discs and bones. Massage improves the patient's condition, but rarely cured of his illness. While a chiropractic treatment continued over the years can relieve symptoms of the disease. In other words, the characteristic of the massage is to relieve, while that of chiropractic would be treated immediately.

Chiropractors are those who obtain the largest number of healing - not visible, but real - "in one sitting." That said, complications are more common among them (including the right specialists) than in others. Sometimes someone falls from a chiropractor with a slight pain in lower back to come out on a stretcher to an ambulance.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sexual Massage

Massage cupping

To do this, it uses the same suckers (small glass jars) than those placed on the chest and back of children and adults for problems with bronchitis or pneumonia. In this case, however, the cups are not fixed in one place, the therapist moves them by dragging them onto the surface of the skin brushed with a lubricating cream.

Sexual massage

What is truly sexual massage? According to a definition given from a specialist book, massage sexual massage is comparable to conventional segmental or points, except that it is performed to solve the problems of impotence and frigidity. This type of massage is therapeutic rather than sexual. The hallmark of sexual massage is that it includes, besides the usual things, the caress of sensitive areas, to the most erogenous. The onset of climax - or at least attempt to do so - is an organic part of the sexual massage.

Even from afar I do not list all types of massage. In the East, for example, the masseur "wander" on the patient's back while massaging with her heels and toes. Flogging mutual body with a handful of leafy yards - the Russians use in the thermal baths - is also a form of massage.

The massage seems to be the most intelligible part of alternative medicine. How not to understand the effect that the massager kneads the muscles of the patient so to "liquify" the tension and the blood stagnates in us.

Yes, exactly. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Only a few patients and naturopaths have misgivings about the invisible part.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Massage, Worldwide A View

Swedish Massage

Compared with the conventional type, this massage is more intensive. The massage movements are more pronounced, more depressed, sometimes even act to deeper tissues. In addition, this massage is not in the direction of lymph flow, but in reverse.

Finnish massage

Here are the thumbs do the kneading for targeting muscles located around the frame. This massage is primarily used in sports.

Massage Spot

It is performed with one finger. In the Chinese version of the massage points, using the same points as in acupuncture, considering the energy flowing in the meridians. In the Japanese version (shiatsu), the meridians and the concept of energy flow do not appear. The massage points on the muscle to improve blood circulation and remove lactic acid residues that have built up the muscles.

Segmental massage

It is exclusively a therapeutic massage. We practice on the body segments that are connected with nerve internal organs. It uses massage the muscles of the neck in migraine and high blood pressure, massage the 7th and 8th vertebrae from the top of the back to improve the functioning of the stomach, and finally massage the sacrum and buttocks to increase the genitals.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Massage Process


Vibration is not a single process but a set of manipulations. Generally known as the vibration produced by the hands of a masseur on body tissues. The hand can stay anywhere on the body (stable vibration), as it may change places. The jerking motion is effective for massaging the belly, the hand moving as if to pass the flour through a sieve. By increasing intestinal peristalsis, the process removes constipation.

During the massage a member, the therapist shakes leg or arm as if dusted off a mat. This manipulation is practiced in case of poor circulation or in order to strengthen the joints and massage for athletes.

When massaging the back, chest or buttocks, the masseur's hands patting said parts of the body. The action of any type with the palm is called tapping and typing with one fist, the hammer.

During the meeting, if the masseur takes all the manipulations listed so far (except the intensive kneading at the first meeting) is that it does a respectable job. If he does only half, and more softly, this amounts to botch.

For the vibration, the masseur is especially use his hands, for which we can appeal to the electric massage. There is a wide range of instruments for electric massage, ranging from small devices to be used for the finest massage joints and face up to machines with the size and weight of an iron. Massage using equipment is an ideal complement for hands, and his practice is not considered evidence of sloppy.

Outside of massage "classic", there are many versions of "unconventional", among which I will mention a few.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Massage : Methods


The masseur starts and ends the session with this method. He strokes her hand just the patient. Smoothing can be done in different ways: superficial or deep, or continuously with short breaks, using the fingers, with all the palm or only the portion, raking or tingling. During a meeting, it is not absolutely necessary that all the manipulations are performed. All this depends on personal style and your state masseur. That said, always start with a smooth surface and only gradually come to manipulation deeper, more diverse.


This process is similar to smoothing, but insofar as it seeks greater strength, skin tissue shifts that lie underneath. Blood flow strengthens the muscles and ligaments stretch, deposits on joints subside, nerve pain decreases. The friction can be practiced both in the direction of lymphatic flow conversely. The movement of the friction can be done with the palm, as with the fist. We can "cut" a body part with the edge of the palm, while the arm and leg can be "planed" or "hurry".
In the classical massage, the processes of friction after smoothing and precede the kneading massage, more intensive than the friction.


Of her fingers and gently massage the seized raises, kneads, presses the muscles, acting not only on them, but also on the fat tissue underneath the skin. Thus it increases muscle tone, which increases the ability of muscles to contract, we promotes blood circulation. Kneading is a main form of influence exerted on muscles: regardless of whether the muscles are too relaxed or too contracted, kneading has offsetting effects on them.

The process of kneading recalls how kneaded dough. Strictly speaking we can all do is the result which is important to stretch the muscle kneading. Muscles can be pinched, the surfaces can be displaced relative to one another, we can shake, shake, tug, push or twist. Everything depends on the strength of the massager and the patient's masochism. As part of a first meeting, however, intensive forms of mixing are not recommended. The patient must first get accustomed to massage, otherwise the day after the meeting he will feel to have the body "into a thousand pieces", like soreness may feel a body without a drive after playing sports or hard work.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Classical Massage

The masseur must be careful that his office is always at right temperature, there floats a good perfume, a soft music accompanies the massage, the cloth is immaculate cleanliness, and the phone does not ring all five minutes. In the absence of such conditions, the patient can not properly relax physically and mentally. And even if the massage itself is well practiced in any way without proper environment maximum efficiency can be obtained.

There are no regulations concerning the execution unit of the massage. This is an improvisation that depends on the actual situation, the goal of massage which can relax the joints of a ballerina or a sports issue a patient's pain to the column, or relax tone then a healthy person. This is why there are many kinds of massage.

Massage is hard work. A masseur can receive up to ten patients daily or more. In these cases, the greater the temptation to massage "half-steam," performed in a rather sloppy. Lets see what the traditional massage, without sloppy.

Classical massage

This technique consists of four forms of manipulation: smoothing, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Depending on the goal of care, massage can be classical local type, therapeutic, rejuvenating and many others. The general rules of classical massage are:

it should produce no discomfort;
at the household level of pain (sciatica, arthritis), only a superficial massage can be practiced;
the patient should sit comfortably, so that his muscles are released at the most;
the masseur should perform their movements along the lymphatic channels in the direction of the nearest lymph nodes.

Lymphatic flow as the movements of the masseur must follow is shown in the picture below cons using arrows.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Therapeutic Massage

Man (Homo sapiens) became enamored of massage long ago, when he was probably Homo erectus, and will live with until the last member of this living species disappears. The therapeutic effect of massage is spread almost everywhere, with hardly lead to any complications.

Massage relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation and lymphatic systems. It runs the capillaries reserve through which the blood and oxygen come in greater quantity in the internal organs. By the end of the first massage (as the doctors say: "from the first needle stick"), the patient feels his physical and nervous tension decrease, its ability to work better, like his general condition.

Massage is one of the foundation stones of natural medicine. Without him, we could talk about the complete process of healing. However, it is very effective against pain, particularly in the acute pain when it is forbidden to practice not to increase the evils. Only experienced masseurs are able to ease the pain.

How to differentiate a good masseur a scamp ?

Arriving for a massage, remember to take a look at the layout of the place. A competent therapist knows that massage is not only a physical effect, but also aesthetic. Thus it should pay special attention to the arrangement of his "middle".
The restaurant could be a similar example. When asked about where to go, we decide often favoring the "middle": the arrangement of the room, the decor, nice music, friendly service, quality food plays a supporting role. "It's not very good, but it's pretty" is often more important than "it's good, but it is not pretty."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Concept of Ayurveda

These three moods are present in each individual, to say that someone is VATA constitution means that the mood at home VATA is in excess.

When the three humours are balanced without being in excess, is the state of health.

It is quite common that a vein is injured, the withdrawal of the needle causing a little bleeding. But since Spots are far from large veins, the bleeding does not last long. It stops very quickly under the pressure of a cotton swab.

It is extremely unpleasant to feel the needle hit a nerve. The patient has the impression of having been electrocuted.

In contrast, if the needle pierces the pleura or abdominal wall, joking aside. In such cases, the patient should be rushed to a surgeon. That is why in most countries, legislation requires that only doctors can perform acupuncture. Not because the technique can be learned without a medical degree, but because a doctor more easily avoid complications. In Hungary, only acupuncture to the ear can be performed without medical degrees. The pinna not involving any vital organ, the risks are so minimal. In the U.S., however, some states do not require to have medical documentation to practice acupuncture: just get permission to practice.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ayurveda : Introduction

Ayurveda postulates that everything is energy and the energies that govern the macrocosm are identical to those operating in the microcosm. The Universe operates from the energy of five elements: ether, air, water, fire and earth, man is a microcosm of nature is also constituted of these five elements.
Every human being is composed of these five elements in different proportions. It is these proportions that determine its true nature, Ayurveda distinguishes three "doshas, or humors type of constitution they themselves made up of five sub-doshas:

Ether and Air VATA predominant
Pitta predominant Fire and Water
KAPHA Earth and Water predominant

The fire form Pitta, the force that governs the physical energy, digestion, absorption, assimilation. He sits in the liver, stomach, pancreas, duodenum, small intestine, skin and eyes.
On an emotional level, it expresses itself in anger, jealousy, hatred, violence.

Water and earth are Kapha, strength body structure, which connects the various elements together, the lubricant of the joints, skin moisture, vitality of various body tissues, immune strength, energy heart and lungs. He sits in the chest, throat, neck, neck, tongue, hypothalamus, nose, fat tissue, joints, body fluids.
On an emotional level, it is expressed by love, forgiveness, generosity, courage, dedication, calm, envy and greed.

The constitution of each person is characterized by a specific combination of these three doshas. Next on or doshas dominate, one can determine the physical and psychological type to which the patient belongs. The first task of the Ayurvedic practitioner will then determine the tridosha his patient, thereby providing precise indications on the nature of the disease and healing strategies indicated.

For Ayurveda, the disease results from an imbalance between the doshas. The excess or deficiency of one or the other will cause a metabolic disturbance, and ultimately the disease will appear. Dosha is no better than another. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's all about balance.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda integrates the principles of a holistic system of health care and welfare have been developed in India there are over 2500 years. Proponents of ayurveda believe that the person is a microcosm of the universe, which is composed of five elements that represent the basic constituents of all that exists: ether or space, air, fire, water and earth.

These five elements combine to form three fundamental forces, the doshas (Vathi, Pitta and Kapha), whose balance and interactions determine the nature of each person's physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. The tridosha, or the relative balance of three doshas them, therefore determines the specific nature of each person, that is to say its constitution or prakriti.

Space and air are vata, the force that governs the movement and biological rhythm metabolism: respiration, elimination, heart rate, intracellular exchange sympathetic nervous system. He sits in the large intestine, bladder, bone, skin, ears and thighs.On an emotional level, he expressed the joy, anxiety, nervousness, freshness, lightness, fear and pain. Idea theory of five elements and three doshas

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Acupunture : Treatment Result

The results of treatment they depend on qualifications of an acupuncturist?
The most experienced reflexologists arrive ten diseases to treat seven patients, while poor acupuncturists, except pain relief, are capable of nothing else. Why?

The philosophy of acupuncture therapy is quite difficult to understand for someone who "is not Chinese." We must learn a tremendous number of points: they are, at what depth, what are the indications and cons-indications. You must keep a rule of order: the concept of u-sin, in-yan and bou-tse, learn about the diseases caused by "hot" "cold", "hot" and "air" (which unrelated to the climate and topography), how energy flows through meridians, which treat what time of day, and so on. However, most acupuncturists work only on the basis of exclusive recipes ready to be found in the literature. A colleague of mine once told me that: "I learned sixty points that I used all my life. Nothing can force me to learn the sixty-first. "

In addition, do not believe the myth that considers the Chinese people know things that are inaccessible to us. Most of my Chinese colleagues treat the same way that "we", based on examples arrested.

American acupuncturists have conducted an interesting experiment. They divided into two groups of patients with similar symptoms. Both groups were treated by acupuncture, except that in one acupuncture rules were followed strictly and in the other hands have been "stung" by a free design. The healing results were found uniformly good in both groups. This news was so surprised that I myself did an experiment nearby.

The result was as follows: among patients treated in a "free design", many of them after the second or third meeting thanked me for having managed to cure them. There is no witchcraft. Endorphins have been able to anesthetize the pain disappeared. But this only applies for easy cases, including even those who know only 60 points can overcome.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Action of Acupuncture

What is the mechanism of action of acupuncture?

I do not think the Australian aborigines are perfectly aware of the mechanism of air a boomerang. However, their lack of knowledge of aerodynamics do not prevent them from practical use of this flying object.

This applies to acupuncture. The only honest answer to that question is that we do not know the mechanism of action. But as we are not "primitive", we need to know how it works. And if there is no theory, we need to think about. It would be this:

Acupuncture is a method that works on the body's energy flow. Our inner energy evolves in a circular motion and passes through twelve main meridians that are each connected to one of our organs. This circle is as follows: lung - colon - stomach - spleen - heart - small intestines - bladder - kidney - pericardium - Triple Heater - gallbladder - liver - lung and again. This completes the circle.

It certainly seems strange that the energy portion of the lung to pass through the colon, and after the pericardium is found in the "triple heater." While this may seem odd, it is not no way for the Chinese who are at the origin. The alternative therapy has its own logic.

On each of the twelve meridians is a stock of items. Among them, the more points are considered toning (invigorating) and dispersion (reliever). Simplifying we can say that each has 12 p in his body toning and soothing 12 points. As their name suggests, the action of a needle stick, the heating, a massage or other exercised about toning increases energy in the meridian concerned and therefore in the body there is connected, while the excitation point rejects calming energy.

Where? In another meridian. Bioenergetics in the treatment, while the missing energy is drawn from the outside, the superfluous is simply "thrown" or burned with a candle, until the care with acupuncture we arrive at a combination Energy - harmonization. If it appears that one of the meridians has a surplus of energy, this energy can be transferred where there are few, and vice versa.

To increase the force exerted on the points invigorating and soothing, there are more than two points of intensification. Therefore, for the previous 24 points 12 points plus 12. That makes 48. In the chapter on reflexology, we also processed 12 points of diagnosis. There are a total of 60 points, which represents the "mini stock base" of acupuncture.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What are the weaknesses of Acupuncture?

This is often because of fear caused by needlestick injuries that patients are wary of this therapeutic method. When the needle is planted, a very slight sensation of pain must absolutely occur. It is through this that we see if firstly the desired point has been reached and secondly if it has responded appropriately to the sting. In the absence of reaction, no good result can be expected. In the case of acute diseases, the location of the active point is easy. Chronic diseases sometimes give rise to slightly move the needle tip to the right and left, up and down, to find that point. This process is a bit uncomfortable, but still less than the dentist's drill.

If inaccuracies are made during the meeting, this can cause problems as minor. After the injections, reflex spasms sometimes appear around the needle. This is not dangerous. After making a slight muscle massage, needles are easily removed.

If the hands are rough patches - a result of their frequent sterilization - at the time of their removal, small muscle fibers wrapped around. In this case, the needle should be withdrawn by turning in the opposite direction.

During the acupuncture sessions, keep a half-hour during the same posture may be uncomfortable. And needles may break if we change position. In such cases, they are usually removed using tweezers. If not, consult a surgeon.

During the first session, sometimes a hundred patients, two or three accuse a slight shock effect, come into a state of semi-fainting - dizziness, paleness, cold sweats, nausea. Sometimes lose their minds or vanish. The reason is unjustified fear of the needle or a state of excitement. No book reports the existence of a death which succeeded such a shock. If you experience such symptoms, do not be afraid. They disappear in three or four minutes, especially if the acupuncturist does not forget this time of pressing hard with his finger on the "no help" button on the upper lip below the nose or on the verge autonomic ear.

In this situation, should we continue the meeting? If you do not become afraid of death, it is preferable to continue planting one or two hands lightly on the surface of the skin. After removing all the needles, the acupuncturist will dismiss you if it is truly convinced that "everything is fine" and you're not going to vanish in the middle of the street - not want - behind the wheel.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Acupunture : Sessions

For acute illnesses, meetings take place every day or every two days, in case of chronic disease, once or twice a week. A course of treatment consists of 7-15 sessions. To the extent that after five sessions there is no improvement, it is useless to continue the care with acupuncture, because the body does not respond to this method.

The longer the treatment, the lesser are the chances of curing the sick.
Of course, this applies to acute diseases. If you are sick for years, the healing will take time.

The chiropractor can perfectly complement the acupuncture sessions. This case is one where two opposing treatments are worth more than two of similar nature.The younger patients are easier to heal than older, because unlike these self-regulating their reaction is much faster. The rapid and sustained action of acupuncture can also be observed in the case of functional disorders, that is to say diseases with no alteration of organic. This intervention also benefit those toothaches and headaches, neuralgia, localized on different points, spasms of the gall bladder, bladder or uterus. Acupuncture is sometimes reduce the size of uterine fibroids, slows the development of asthma, works effectively on insomnia, accelerated rehabilitation after a brain hemorrhage.

With a little less effective, this method can treat gastritis, cholecystitis, eczema, heart spasms, chronic inflammation and hypertension. It can not provide a significant improvement in cases of autism in children, atrophic paralysis, diabetes and severe hormonal disorders.

But acupuncture can help the patient in cases organic lesion. If full recovery can be expected, a significant improvement can sometimes be found in reducing symptoms.

Acupuncture is cons-indicated for patients with cancer, those whose age or other diseases cause a worsening of their condition, and sick found in a state of intense excitement. These cases require the use of homeopathy, bioenergy and acupressure.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Acupuncture therapy is quite apart, but which may be linked to bioenergy or physiotherapy. Finally, no matter what the box store, because any systematization is relative.
As we all know, acupuncture treats using special needles. These needles are much finer than those used for darning a sock, the unpleasant sensation of sting in a meeting it is minimal.
You also certainly know that these sharps are not planted at random, but at points called biologically active body, or placed any which way, but in an orderly manner along the meridians.
Similarly to the chakras, meridians and points are devoid of any active material structure. I mean by this that it is impossible for the naked eye or microscope to differentiate the contour points "magic" and the rest of the surface - it does not receive or nerve endings or cells or other special features. However, unlike the chakras, Hot Spots can still be detected with instruments, since their electrical resistance differs from that of other regions of the skin.

What are the strengths of acupuncture?

This method of planting needles is a really effective therapeutic method. Even doctors backward and skeptics, those who underestimate the importance of iridology, bioenergy or homeopathy are still obliged to acknowledge it.

To achieve a result and because all other methods had proved ineffective, I myself have often been known to use acupuncture. According to my own experiences, "healing in the blink of an eye" is not something so rare. Especially in the case of acute pain, sometimes - as is wont to say - for "the first needle inserted" action benefactress is felt.

The other positive aspect of acupuncture therapy is that it is usually less expensive than other natural therapy.

Under what circumstances is acupuncture effective?

If someone starts to read literature on acupuncture treatment, he then felt that this therapy is suitable for all diseases. This is true in part. In truth, acupuncture is more effective in the fight against pain. She has a great action on joint pain or nerve inflammation, pain in the neck, back, muscle, and in case of stretching of the ligaments, and helps fight against addiction to alcohol, nicotine and drugs . Nothing is more effective in cases of acute back pain, spine and joints. After a session of acupuncture, the patient may leave folded in half the room dancing. The best advertisement for a naturopath! However, a single session is rarely enough to cure. In general, the patient who has just completed its first full session is not freed from his pain sensations. It does not matter, several sessions are usually necessary. When the pain disappears completely, it is generally not to return soon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Alternative Therapies And Spirituality

Many psycho-spiritual techniques offer to relieve your pain and suffering. The Information Centre Intercantonal beliefs (CIC) helps you find your way in this new healthcare market.

Imposition of hands, energy transmission, body cleaning, communication with the dead, telepathy, elixirs with beneficial ... All these methods used in the so-called alternative therapies advocate a spiritual approach. They often require Eastern religious traditions or Western Esotericism. Dreading the whole person (physical, psychological and spiritual), they appeal to different beliefs, even if they claim a scientific basis. Besides healing, they also promise personal fulfillment and a better life. This is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history religion has been concerned with health and suffering.

Since the 1990s, observed in industrialized societies a boom in alternative therapies affirming the importance of spirituality. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported an increased use of alternative medicine in developed countries: it is estimated that over half the population uses at least once this type of practice. This social phenomenon has encouraged the development of a new healthcare market.

If these therapies offer reassuring answers, they also raise questions and concerns from everyone:

* Are they serious?
* Are they recognized?
* Do they have a link with a "cult"?

Without going into the controversy between scientific medicine and alternative therapies, the Center Intercantonal information on beliefs he considers to be careful when the therapist:

* Seeking to support all areas of life - work, family, spiritual,
emotional, social - without necessarily having the skills.
* Recommends to stop or not start medical treatment.
* Makes promises that he can not keep and maintain false hopes in patients.
* Impose exercises that are humiliating or guilt.
* Incite to sever ties with relatives.

It should also be aware that alternative therapies are not officially recognized by law. They are therefore not covered by insurance mandatory. If they are not generally regulated, however, there are cantonal legislation. For example, some cantons prohibit unrecognized therapists treat people with communicable diseases. It is therefore important to learn about the training of the therapist, his method and his fees. Too many patients are involved randomly methods they do not know and realize later that they do not suit them.

If you want to know more about an alternative therapy if you have any doubts about a healer, if you know your rights, please contact the Information Center Intercantonal beliefs. It will inform you free and confidential.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Essential oil of lavender grosso

Family: Labiatae
Origin: South of France
Biological name: Lavandula burnatii

Botanical description: This is a hybrid of two species of Lavender: The lavender and wild lavender. The lavender has been developed to give an advantage because its essential oil heads contain more flowers than the original lavender. It has a yield three times higher than other species of lavender, it is now the most cultivated. Its aroma is camphor. Lavandin is a compendium of virtues of different lavenders.

Synergy: Fits perfectly with all essential oils, especially with citrus essences and essential oils of flowers.

Properties: The essential oil of lavender has properties very similar to that of lavender. It is primarily anti-microbial, bactericide and fungicide, it is also local anesthetic, diuretic, vermifuge. Anti-inflammatory, it also acts to relieve rheumatism. Thanks to its strong fragrance, essential oil of lavender grosso promotes expectoration, it is recommended for colds and bronchitis. It is also used by athletes, broadcast, to prepare their muscles by massage, and mental toughness. Its action neurotonic it overcomes the physical and mental fatigue and promotes sleep people anxious or stressed. It can also treat burns, sores or skin irritations.

To allay the problems of agitation:
Lavender essential oil: 20 drops
Mandarin essential oil: 20 drops
Oil of Petit Grain citron: 20 drops
Vegetable oil, jojoba or macadamia: 100ml
Massaging the arch and the solar plexus 3 times a day.

To relieve muscle spasm:
Lavender essential oil: 50 drops
Oil of Rosemary cineole: 20 drops
Vegetable oil, jojoba or macadamia. 50ml
Massage the painful parts with oil.

To relieve the headache:
Lavender essential oil: 50 drops
Basil Essential Oil: 20 drops
Peppermint essential oil: 20 drops
Vegetable oil, macadamia or jojoba 100 ml
Massage the forehead several times a day if necessary.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lavender: Mediterranean plant "with a thousand virtues'

Lavender Field Named scientifically "lavandula stoechas' we know more commonly known as lavender. The Romans were the first to use it to scent their bath water and laundry. The research and contemporary processes have resulted in the extraction of lavender essential oil, which happens to have many virtues: sedative, vermifuge, hypotensive, analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial and decongestant.

In addition to its many therapeutic qualities, lavender essential oil can also be used diluted as a care product to treat and regenerate the skin. Combined with sesame oil and sweet almond oil, for example, it nourishes and softens maintaining its hydro-lipidic protective film.

Form of massage oil, lavender encourages us to relax for a good night's sleep!

Where to buy lavender essential oil quality?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Essential oils to fight against stress and anxiety

Aromatherapy also be very effective against stress and anxiety.

Unlike synthetic fragrances, essential oils, with their dynamic and volatile molecules, reach our morale and our emotions. With the smell an essential oil emerges, it draws our minds to ease and that a physiological action is taking place in our body. It is advisable to choose essential oils to the odor that are attractive, their effects will be far more beneficial! Have you ever felt a kind of "joy house" smelling a rose? At about the same principle!

The essential oils useful against anxiety:

Rose essential oil
Geranium Essential Oil
Neroli essential oil
Oil of Bergamot
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Oil of German Chamomile or Roman
Essential oil of orange or tangerine

The essential oils useful against stress:

Lavender essential oil
Roman Chamomile essential oil
Neroli essential oil
Essential oil of Ylang-ylang

You do not know where to buy these essential oils? Have a look on my page Buy essential oils!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good natural reflexes to keep the line

To keep a slim line tonic and should be exercising, breathe, eat healthy, drink lots of water ... all these little tricks, we know them, they always make the headlines at the time of female heyday!

And what about food?

In the press, we often suggest to remove fat from our diet, but this is not what it was better to do! Our body needs fat, but not just any! We must not forget to build into our meal foods rich in fatty acids of Omega 3 Group. Some fish like salmon or sardines, walnuts, flaxseed and pumpkin. Think also of vegetable oils to flavor your salads, such as linseed oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil, musk rose oil .. They are soaked!

To support these efforts dietary, respiratory and sports, you can also use essential oils.

Here is a recipe for massage oil firming, and these two recipes: tips for natural or herbal essential oils to produce a unjamming cellulite or how to remove cellulite.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Synergy of essential oils against mosquitoes

It's hot, very hot, and mosquitoes are there to remind us!

Here is a little synergy of essential oils that I created and is very effective to remove the ugly creatures in my house:

Géranuim Rosat Essential Oil (repellent): 10 drops
Essential oil of citronella (repellent): 10 drops
Essential oil of sweet orange (disinfectant air): 10 drops
Lemon essential oil (disinfectant air): 10 drops
Essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus (repellent): 5 drops
Essential oil of marigold (repellent): 5 drops

Mix all in a drip bottle, and put a few drops of the mixture in your diffuser.

If you want to buy these essential oils of good quality, please visit my page to buy essential oils. At this point you will find broadcasters USB plug into your computer, diffusers, steam and cold ventilation diffusers.