Sunday, August 1, 2010

Alternative Therapies And Spirituality

Many psycho-spiritual techniques offer to relieve your pain and suffering. The Information Centre Intercantonal beliefs (CIC) helps you find your way in this new healthcare market.

Imposition of hands, energy transmission, body cleaning, communication with the dead, telepathy, elixirs with beneficial ... All these methods used in the so-called alternative therapies advocate a spiritual approach. They often require Eastern religious traditions or Western Esotericism. Dreading the whole person (physical, psychological and spiritual), they appeal to different beliefs, even if they claim a scientific basis. Besides healing, they also promise personal fulfillment and a better life. This is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history religion has been concerned with health and suffering.

Since the 1990s, observed in industrialized societies a boom in alternative therapies affirming the importance of spirituality. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported an increased use of alternative medicine in developed countries: it is estimated that over half the population uses at least once this type of practice. This social phenomenon has encouraged the development of a new healthcare market.

If these therapies offer reassuring answers, they also raise questions and concerns from everyone:

* Are they serious?
* Are they recognized?
* Do they have a link with a "cult"?

Without going into the controversy between scientific medicine and alternative therapies, the Center Intercantonal information on beliefs he considers to be careful when the therapist:

* Seeking to support all areas of life - work, family, spiritual,
emotional, social - without necessarily having the skills.
* Recommends to stop or not start medical treatment.
* Makes promises that he can not keep and maintain false hopes in patients.
* Impose exercises that are humiliating or guilt.
* Incite to sever ties with relatives.

It should also be aware that alternative therapies are not officially recognized by law. They are therefore not covered by insurance mandatory. If they are not generally regulated, however, there are cantonal legislation. For example, some cantons prohibit unrecognized therapists treat people with communicable diseases. It is therefore important to learn about the training of the therapist, his method and his fees. Too many patients are involved randomly methods they do not know and realize later that they do not suit them.

If you want to know more about an alternative therapy if you have any doubts about a healer, if you know your rights, please contact the Information Center Intercantonal beliefs. It will inform you free and confidential.

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