Monday, July 29, 2013

Chinese medicine

Each therapeutic approach in Chinese medicine based on the concept of Qi, the life energy menu. For them, everything that happens in the body, every physiological function, but also any pathological process reflects Chi activity.
Chi and Science

What is the account Qi Western scientific perspective real challenge. As is the case with Descartes, thinking has since moved 17 century, the only way to describe what appears to our senses, or extensions of our senses are our modern methods of investigation (microscopy, voltmeter, scanners, etc..). Is real, what is actually exists: it does not matter. However, Qi eludes scientific investigation: Qi, it does not weigh yourself, it can not be measured. Therefore, from the viewpoint of vueLe Qi - Christophe Labignescientifique, it does not exist! Does this mean that this concept and put it on the radius of the old beliefs without benefit?

And often translated the concept of Qi as "energy", because this term
Returns in mind the conditions and immaterial activity. Thus, the bridge was established Semantic naturally in our minds between Qi and energy. But energy of modern physics is something measurable. And "is" to do so. Equating these concepts, many modern minds are still trying to "prove" the existence of Qi. Of course, no one could even now in order to lay the foundations for "scientific proof" of the existence of Qi. And for good reason! Chi is the concept of vitalist. The concept that is outside the scope of measurable. Mathematically can be interpreted Qi will be more or less to the equation in the end that life itself!


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Uses of aloe vera

Uses (external use):

Skin problems (burning, inflammation, wound healing: breakage and scratches,
Scratches, irritation, redness, pear, Sting, and acne scars, and the gap,
Herpes, eczema, psoriasis, shingles, hemorrhoids, poor circulation, cellulite ...).
Activate tissue (rides. ..), and removes dead skin cells.
Balances the pH level of the skin, moisturizes, nourishes and protects.

Used (oral):

Diabetes, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, uclere,
Liver problems, and bowel problems, constipation, bloating,
Arthritis and Rheumatism, chemotherapy, and cancer.
HIV, lack of microbial aggression, fatigue, stress,
Restlessness, and insomnia.

For serious diseases such as herpes zoster, psoriasis, eczema, ulcers ... Allow
An external application (in the form of cream, gel) and oral (aloe vera juice)
To remedy this situation from the inside is that it is important to avoid a relapse.

I see the cure for 3 months, and extended during the year if necessary.
-IT is recommended that treatment with at least one year, especially in winter.

, No known side effects so far, with the exception of rare cases of allergy
(If you are allergic to garlic, and cactus interest).
, Do not have a problem with drugs or pills.
, No problem with the sun.
Contains no fat or slim (only enhance the metabolism).
Can be implemented in any food product for easy grip.
Does not contain alcohol.

Associated with the use of aloe vera (for skin problems, etc ...) with the processor can be a good addition.
Warning: This is a dietary supplement, although wonderful, but is a dietary supplement. Of course it can not replace the power of  Natural or treatment.

Vitamins and Minerals

Improve vision. Promotes healthy skin. Protects cells from free radicals.
B1 is required for tissue growth and energy production.
Joint work with vitamin B2, B6 for the formation of blood. Antioxidant.
B3 helps to regulate metabolism.
Joint work with the B6 vitamin B2 to the formation of blood.
B9 anti-anemia, and promotes the regeneration of red blood cells.
B12 metabolism indispensable. Power factor for food functions of the body, and promotes the formation of red blood cells.
C in combination with vitamin E fighting infection, and promote healthy skin and holds healing.
E protects cell membranes. A powerful antioxidant.
Choline coronary vasodilator, enhances metabolism.


Calcium bone growth in combination with phosphorus.
Bone growth phosphorus in combination with calcium.
Potassium increase in protein synthesis. Regulates blood pressure.
Enhances iron and hemoglobin oxygen bonds.
Sodium maintains acid-base balance of body fluids and promotes water metabolism in tissues and cells.
Chlorine disinfectants and antiseptics.
In collaboration with magnesium, manganese, and maintains the proper functioning of the muscles and nervous system.
In conjunction with manganese and magnesium, and maintains the proper functioning of the muscles and nervous system.
Copper an essential trace element in maintaining the balance of the body.
Chromium enhances the activity of enzymes of fatty acids.
Zinc stimulates the immune system.

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Enzymes and Amino acids

Amylase stimulates the hydrolysis of starch into dextrin and maltose.
Analgesic Bradykinase, anti-inflammatory, stimulates the immune system.
Catalase that prevents the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the tissues.
AIDS cellulase digest cellulose.
Muscle enzyme creatine phosphate.
Lipase facilitates digestion.
Nyukluotidaz decomposition of catalysis nucleotides, Nukliusds.
Acid phosphatase, a sign of prostate cancer.
Alkaline phosphatase organizer and liver function.
Proteolytic degradation of proteins into its components.
Aloe Vera also contains salicylic acid, chrysophanic acid and essential oils.
Amino acids:
Proteins, amino acids, and power supply, as catalysts, and chemical equilibrium involved in the regulation and tissue regeneration.
Aloe Vera contains 18 of the 22 amino acids. In the human body, including 7 of 8 secondary amino acids
Home: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine.
Secondary: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, cysteine, glycine, histidine, hydroxiproline, proline, serine, tyrosine.

Mono-and polysaccharides and sugars (carbohydrates): cellulose, glucose, galactose, mannose, aldonentose, acid uronic, aliinase lipase, L-rhamnose.

Food be the medicine & medicine be your food

It was a great success and reputation that even Alexander the Great took over the island of Socotra, only to fresh aloe vera leaves his armies.
Columbus, in his infinite intersections in providing sailors.
Napoleon was discovered and inspired by his virtues in Egypt.
Mahatma Gandhi, in a letter to his biographer Romain Rolland says: "You ask me what the secret forces that supported me during my long fasts as well, it is my unwavering faith in God, my simple and frugal life, and aloe vera.

Indian medicine (Ayurveda) gives him the ability to compensate Doschas (kapha, vata, pitta), while Muslims see as a symbol of perfect happiness.

If you were not up to the mid-19th century that science is seriously interested in aloe vera and the main virtues Previous year Hippocrates, Aristotle, C, Dioscorides and Pliny the Elder praised, as well as the famous Galen

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be your food" Hippocrates

Thus healthy as long as possible should take into account, and correct deficiencies in vitamins and minerals lost from your diet with nutritional supplements. That said, better food, better balance and functioning of the body, and therefore simply healthier.
Cactus consumption can practically all nutritional deficiencies, and help thanks to its nutrient-rich composition.

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