Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Autohémothérapie / Autologous Therapy

The autohémothérapie based on the theory of stimulation therapies: irritation occurred in every part of the body produces, thanks to the system controller, a reaction throughout the body. Stimulation therapy puts this to good use, by provoking defensive reactions of the body, subjecting it to irritants, such as, for example, heat or UV rays. In the case of autohémothérapie, the substance is challenging the patient's own blood. The blood just drawn from a vein, is immediately reinjected into a muscle or under the skin. The components of blood, coming together in the tissues, causing defensive reactions of the immune system, stimulating the healing potential of the organization. Therapy, autologous blood is a particular form of autohémothérapie: blood collected was diluted to the patient with drugs before it was reinjected.


Biofeedback is a method of treatment of behavioral medicine. Stress and tension can cause different physical responses such as, for example, increased blood pressure and rapid pulse. Biofeedback method is to save the patient's unconscious body reactions, with sensors and measuring devices and special make them visible in the form of light signals, for example. In this way, the patient may become aware of processes that occur in her body. He "sees" how his body reacts to thoughts and behavior. The patient learns to influence the functions of his body with different relaxation techniques. The result of this conscious relaxation is also measured and rendered visible to the patient, thereby enhancing the success of the experiment.

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