Monday, May 30, 2011

Dietary Consultation - MTC

Dietary Consultation

A poor diet may in the long term, lead to diseases such as, for example, diabetes, digestive disorders or atherosclerosis. Health systems, both alternative and traditional, thus give much importance to a balanced diet. The consultation diet can not only help patients change their eating habits, but it can also prevent and treat disorders caused by poor diet. The purpose of a consultation with a dietician is to detect errors in dietary habits and suggest improvements. There, beside the Western scientific diet, many other nutritional concepts such as, for example, full power, the Chinese diet from the five elements or the Ayurvedic system. The recommendations and advice can be very varied.

Dietary consultation on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is part of the therapeutic methods of Chinese medical system. Unlike Western nutritional science, the Chinese diet focuses not on food composition, but the effect that food can have on the body. TCM is based on the principle that every food contains different levels of Yin and Yang energies. We can use food to balance the state's energy body. The "five elements" are another basic principle of the Chinese diet. Each food, according to its properties, is associated with one of the following five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Thus, for example, "light food" such as chicory, millet or grapefruit, have a drying effect. The concept of food according to the five elements is not to follow a strict diet but to develop a healthy food with special attention to the selection and preparation of products.

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