Thursday, May 5, 2011

Homeopathy Medicines Part 12

Finally, I present below a preparation which is neither original nor mineral plant, but made from something exotic.

Snake venom (Lachesis muta)

Constitution: A snake bite often causes extreme reactions. Like for example a continuous speech whose theme is constantly changing. Lenin, Hitler or Fidel Castro are "men-snake venom" typical. These individuals are part of a loquacious, hypersensitive, apparently open, and the other proud, jealous, delusional ideas, such as "spicy." They are easily trained, really hypnotize their listeners with a mountain of nonsense style and disarming.

General statement: once in the blood, snake venom causes inflammation of internal organs, effusions of blood and blood poisoning. Throughout his life, the individual type of snake venom frequently encounter such diseases.

Indications: typical symptoms of "individuals snake venom" growing under the influence of sunlight, heat and alcohol. They are advised to avoid them. He urged them to stay rather cool air, which lowers those symptoms.

Dear readers, you are now able to include more or less on what types of mental constitution is based homeopath to determine the characteristics of a patient - or rather the medicines that are necessary. This is not surprising if the naturopath's most popular and that his method is the queen of natural medicine.

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