Saturday, November 3, 2012

Naturopathy or Naturopathic

In countries where there are no strict rules for physical therapy - as is the case for several Francophone countries - to use the medicine is a natural and physical therapy are used interchangeably. In English, there is an obstacle, physical therapy, and in the countries in which they have been officially recognized discipline, and there is a doctor in physical therapy (ND), and not in natural medicine. On the other side of the origin of the word is Naturopathy is uncertain. Probably comes from the Latin: NATURO, nature and Greek: Patty, suffering. Means physical therapy, suffer - or disease - from nature. But perhaps more German word: path resulting path. Physical therapy is the path (Health) of nature.

Physiotherapy is a complete medical system, and the ongoing efforts in the first place mechanisms to stimulate the body's natural healing. Naturopathic interventions to activate the first place to promote and strengthen the mechanisms to eliminate these symptoms or instead of attacking pathogens directly. You will also need a soft and non-invasive as possible.

Among the most important tools for natural medicine, we find, among other things, herbal medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, aromatherapy, and physical manipulation, and so on stress management techniques.

For a better understanding of what today's physical therapy, it may be logical to its origins dating back to 2500, and remember its recent development, for a hundred years.

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