Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient discipline originating in India , a perfect balance between body and mind. Traditions of yoga developed in India and the establishment of many schools . Some philosophies inspired the development of the Buddhist and Hindu religions , as others see yoga discipline gestural and postural which makes us aware of his body and to relieve the stress of everyday life . In the West , we find these different schools .
Yoga for all and all for yoga.
Or those who are overweight often do not dare to open the door to the room yoga because they believe that yoga is not for BBW. What is wrong , of course . It is true that the extra weight makes it difficult for some people to realize that , in addition to increasing the pressure on the additional positions of the joints. But this position, even if they are regulated , is not fixed and can be adapted morphologies . It is necessary to adapt yoga , and is not in pain. Such as , " is that yoga has on the person and not the person must adapt yoga to adapt. " In one of its founders, Shri Krishnamacharya developed in addition to the fact that we practice yoga , because of the benefits of physical and psychological that brings us precisely in this areas of our lives we find it difficult to manage as overweight .

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