Friday, July 8, 2011

Laughter Reduces Stress Hormones

He even suggests that laughter can have a positive impact on the immune system.
In fact, the antibodies in saliva increases the scenes video funny, so they are better off against infections such as laughter, and colds.

Laughter is the tonic that stimulates the improvement and beautifying our state of mind, and free us from the tension.

"I dare say that there is any to be healthy really, if you can laugh at themselves, and the hushed secret that, if exaggerated and showed that" s, and very proud or very awkward realizes, as it should be able to discover that he had left it He was sure of his case, he does not see beyond his nose and he was party to no avail. "(Gordon Allport)

She said the man laughing is not always perfect.

The face of adversity, laughter, humor, or at least, the impact of effective antidote. Because of the danger, animals and only two solutions, the fight or flight. People have a feature for the third way: laughter.

In approaching the state of tension with humor, and plays out there by creating a diversion that relaxes psychologically.

Humor allows us, in the face of danger, distance, and lots of anxiety and powerlessness which paralyzes us. Laughter reduces significantly the amount of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) in the body.

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